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Credit Card Batch Deposit Schedule



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    Jill Utah

    How do i change the bank account we have you deposit to?



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    Holly Ferguson

    I love the pay desk and how vagaro has its features, my customer love it. But dang the deposit schedule is bull and now I’m noticing money is missing when I’m getting a deposit and to try to calculate to double check has been a nightmare since the dates are off and you have to slit up the batches. Every other company can do instant deposit with a fee and I think vagaro need to switch cause I’m really thinking of going to square fully. I would hate to not be able to use the desk and would have to change everything but I need my money now after a hard days work. Bills for me done stop on the weekends. The deposits I got should count the full day but doesn’t match with what was processed? I hope they aren’t taking more than the fee!

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    Donna J

    Holly, please contact support if you think you are not getting the correct deposits! Regarding your wish for same-day or instant transfer, please post that as a feature request!

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    Taylor Griffin

    I’m literally on my way to California in a few hours to take a class, I get up this morning to check my account for my deposit and found out I have to wait until Tuesday to received my cash it’s Saturday morning.

    I will definitely be switching site after this weekend. I love the actual website but this is by far the worst inconvenience I could’ve ever experience. There no way I should have to wait 4 days for my money that’s just crazy.

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    Monica Jones

    It's just not consistent.  For the last few months I was getting Friday transactions deposited on Saturday. Now it's Monday and still nothing.... right before everything is due.  That's a problem because I pay bills expecting it to be there Saturday when for the last few months that's been the case.  I said like 2 years ago I was going to switch.... I think it's finally time to do it.  What is everyone using?


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    Kimberly Banow

    Hi, Monica. The standard batch deposit day for weekends is on Tuesdays. Because the banks are closed on weekends and holidays, we need 24 hours to process batches. 

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    It’s validating to see that others also find the long wait for deposits to be inconvenient. I wish they had better solutions for accessing the money sooner. Vagaro has been nice, but this is a main concern for seeking alternative software.

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    Monica Jones

    Kimberly, then why was I getting deposits on Saturdays for a while for Friday transactions? It can be done, apparently,  then suddenly it stops and goes back to making me wait until Tuesday.  I can provide bank statements if you need proof.  

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    Jamie Bennett

    Hi Monica, 

    Did you perhaps change the bank account you've been using for deposits? In some cases (usually depending on the bank), customers may receive deposits on Saturday or Friday. Changing your banking information may have caused you to stop receiving weekend deposits, so I wanted to double-check. 

    I can create a ticket for you with our Merchant Services team if you would like.



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    Monica Jones

    It's been the same bank since 2011, nothing has changed.  This isn't the first time either, I'll get Saturday deposits for a while, then all of a sudden nothing until Monday OR Tuesday.  I'd rather it be consistent than not.  

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    Jamie Bennett

    Hi Monica, 

    I just talked to our Merchant Services Team about your question.

    Funds are batched daily at the specified time; however, weekend ACH deposits may experience a delay in processing because many banks do not initiate fund transfers over the weekends. According to our batch-time schedule, transactions made from Friday to Sunday are typically processed and issued on Tuesday. However, if a bank decides to expedite the transfer, they are responsible. I recommend that you contact your bank for further clarification on why you've stopped receiving funds on weekends.



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    Brittany Madison

    I’ve experienced the same, Monica! I’ve been using this app for 8 years, and recently noticed I was receiving deposits from Friday on Saturday (which I was happy about). Today all of a sudden, it seems to have stopped.

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    Harry Allen

    The batch deposit is dates are not correct at all. My Thursday sales still HAVE NOT been deposited. I have not switched bank accounts, and there are no reported delays. I would like to know what bank merchant services uses

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    Kimberly Banow

    Hi, there. Looking at your transaction list, there was a transaction processed Thursday night after batch cut-off time (3 PM PT or 5 PM CT). The funds will be included in Friday's batch; therefore, you will see the deposit on Tuesday. 

    For more information about batch scheduling and the cut-off time, you can refer to this article:

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    Paris C

    I haven’t received a deposit in over a week . I got a letter in the mail about a B notice . I called and inquired about it . They said they need more identification so i had to provide my tax id address and etc . Turned everything in way before the deadline ( march 20) is when I turned it in April 7th was the deadline and since then I haven’t had a deposit since April 13 !!! Called the merchant service and he pretty much said it does t see anything and couldn’t help me ..

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    Jamie Bennett

    Hi Paris, thanks for taking the time to comment here. Let me look into this further and see how I can assist. 

    Thank you,


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    Bri Smith

    Hi Paris,

    The exact same thing happened to me. Haven’t been paid since April 14th, and I’ve had all of my b notice information in by April 7th.

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    Kimberly Banow

    Hi, Bri. Someone will reach out to you shortly to assist you. Thank you for your patience.

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    Jamie Ferris

    I also have not been getting my money in a consistent time period as of the last few weeks. Also everything on my end is good to go and checks out.

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    Mar Nagel

    I am missing a deposit from this past Sunday 4/4/24. It was processed before 3pmPST/6pm EST which means it was batched with Mondays transactions therefore it should've been deposited into my account today. My bank info is correct and my financial institution always deposits my vagaro transactions next business day from the batch (other than holidays) so I am concerned

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    Jamie Bennett

    Hi Marisa, 

    There is a chance your deposit may be a bit later than usual. If you do not receive your deposit by midnight today, please contact our support team for assistance. 

    Thanks, Jamie

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    Loni Dague

    I have had issues for the past two weeks with transactions not batching accurately and being deposited later than expected. I have my batches set to 1am, so usually get them two days later, but have been getting them up to almost a week late. I was told that they are making changes to the merchant processing system, but am concerned about if this is going to be a temporary issue or if it is what to expect going forward. It's very frustrating trying to keep up with accounting when deposits are not coming through when they are supposed to. 

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    Kimberly McKenzie

    In all the years of being with vagaro, this is the 1st time my Friday deposit did not go in on Monday. Very frustrating that it is not consisteconsistent. When did the batch day/time change? 

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    Jamie Bennett

    Hi Kimberly,

    Our batch schedule has not changed. The standard for Friday transactions is to deposit on Tuesday. Depending on the financial institution, some businesses may receive their funds earlier than what's shown above. While we can expect that businesses get their funds by the posted deposit days, we can't guarantee consistency with the earlier deposit from your bank.



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    Sharon Smith

    How do I change the account my batch deposits go to?

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    Jamie Bennett

    Hi Sharon, you'll need to go to your Merchant Accounts to change the bank account for deposits. For more information, see this article: https://support.vagaro.com/hc/en-us/articles/24312682363035-Update-Your-Bank-Account-for-Deposits.




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