Additional Details provide collapsable information on the product, like a t-shirt's sizing chart, a lotion's ingredient list, or a product's warranty.. While a product's description describes what it is used for and its benefits, Additional Details allow customers to learn more about your product. These details are closed by default, allowing you to add detailed information without taking up too much space on your product page.
To help save time and maintain consistency across your products, you can create reusable templates that add the same Additional Detail across multiple products. Updating a template will apply to all products to which it has been added.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses, and you must already have products set up in your inventory.
Create new product details if you don't have a template created already. You can add this detail for just this product or create a template that can be reused for other products.
To add a detail:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find and select the product or create a new one.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
Edit the product you selected:
On the Phone: Select the Action
menu in the top-right corner, then select Edit.
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: Select the Action
menu in the middle of the screen, then select Edit.
In the product, select the Action
menu in the top-right corner, then select Edit.
In Additional Details, select Add Detail or the Right-Arrow > button.
Select Create Detail, then in the Detail Templates list, select Create New Detail.
Create your new detail:
Detail Title: The name of the detail heading displayed on your product's page. This title is visible to your customers.
Description: The information shown to your customers when they open the detail. Select Description to start writing your description.
The Description allows for advanced styling, like bolding, italicizing, underlining, formatting, and indenting your text. If you swipe to the left on the panel, you can view more options, like bulleted lists, numbered lists, linking text, and creating tables. You can also have Vagaro AI improve your description for you by selecting the AI
Save New Detail Template: Choose whether to create a template for this detail so the detail can be reused in other products. If you toggle this setting on, enter a Template Name so it can easily be found later.
Select Add Detail.
Select any Additional Details as needed, then select Done.
Select Save to finalize your product.
To add a detail:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
In Additional Details, select Add Detail.
If you created templates previously, select Create New Details in the Detail Templates list.
Create your new detail:
Detail Title: The name of the detail heading displayed on your product's page. This title is visible to your customers.
Description: The information shown to your customers when the detail is selected. Select Description to start writing.
The Description text box allows for advanced styling, like bolding, italicizing, underlining, formatting, and indenting your text. You can also organize your information in bulleted lists and numbered lists, link text to other web pages, and create tables. You can also have Vagaro AI improve your description by selecting the AI
Save as a Detail Template: Choose to create a template for this detail so the detail can be reused in other products. If you toggle this setting on, enter a Template Name so it can easily be found later.
Select Add Detail.
Add any additional details as needed, then select Save.
After creating a new detail template, it can be reused in other products to avoid inconsistencies between your products.
Ensure that you turn on Save as a Detail Template when creating a new detail.
To add a detail:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find and select the product or create a new one.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
In the product, select the Action
menu in the top-right corner, then select Edit.
In Additional Details, select Add Detail. If you have already added a detail, select the Right-Arrow > button instead.
Select Add Detail, then in the Detail Templates list, select a template. All detail templates you've added to your product will have the Template
Select any Additional Details as needed, then select Done.
Select Save to finalize your product.
To add a detail:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
In Additional Details, select Add Detail.
In the Details Templates list, select the template you want to add. All detail templates you've added to your product will have the Template
Optionally, add any other detail templates as needed, then select Save.
You can make changes to and move details around for your product.
To edit a product's details:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find and select the product or create a new one.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
In the product, select the Action
menu in the top-right corner, then select Edit.
In Additional Details, select the Right-Arrow > button.
To move the order of your details, select the Move
icon for the detail to be moved.
To edit or delete a detail, select it, then choose an option:
Edit: Make changes to the detail.
Editing a detail template within a product will unlink the detail from the template and will not affect other products. To make changes to the template in other products, you'll need to make changes on the Product Detail Templates screen.
Delete: Remove this detail from your product.
Select Done.
Select Save to finalize your product.
To edit a product's detail:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Scroll down to Additional Details and make changes as needed:
To change the order of your details, select the Move
button and move the detail to a new spot.
To edit your detail, select the Action
menu, then select Edit.
Editing a detail template within a product will unlink the detail from the template and will not affect other products. To make changes to the template in other products, you'll need to make changes on the Product Detail Templates screen.
To delete your detail, select the Action
menu, then select Delete.
Select Save to update your product.
On the web, tablet, Pay Desk, and PayPro versions of Vagaro, view the detail templates you've created on the Product Detail Templates screen by going to → → . This screen will only display the product details you chose to Save as a Detail template.
On this screen, you can:
Select New Detail to create a new template. You can then attach this template to other products later on.
Select the Template Name to view and edit your template. While viewing your template, select Preview to see how your template will look on your Vagaro Listing Page.
Select the Product Instances to see which product this template is used in.
Select the Action
menu for your template to Duplicate it and make changes without affecting the original template.
Select the Action
menu for your template to Delete it from your list of templates. You can choose to delete just the template without removing it from the products or remove it entirely from your products.
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