Create variants for your products, like styles, colors, types, volume, etc, allowing your customers to customize their products on your Vagaro Listing Page and MySite. Variants can help you organize and categorize the same product that has different options. For example, you can create a variant for a shampoo you sell if it comes in 8.5 oz, 16 oz, or a 33.8 oz bottle instead of creating a new product for each option. You can also add multiple variants to the same product like color and volume for a nail polish you sell.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses, and you must already have products set up in your inventory.
Add a variant to one of your existing product offerings.
To add a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find and select the product or create a new one.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
In the product, select the Action
menu in the top-right corner, then select Edit.
On the Pay Desk or PayPro, select the Action
menu in the middle of the screen.
In the Variants section, select Add Options.
Create your option by selecting the Option Name text box, then select Size or Color to automatically fill in the options for the variant, or enter the name of the custom option you want to create.
Open the Display Option As list, then choose an option:
Chips: Display the options for this product as selectable boxes.
Dropdown: Display the options for this product as a dropdown list.
Image: Display the options for this product as selectable images. You can then add an image to each option by selecting the Upload
Color Swatch: Display the options for this product as selectable colors. You can then choose a color for each option by selecting the Pencil
Each option will display differently on your Vagaro Listing Page and MySite:
Optionally, enter a value for your option, like "small" or "blue." These will be the options your customers can choose from when purchasing a product. Add additional options to your variant by selecting the + Add option button.
Select Reorder, then the Move
button to reorganize your options. Select the X button to remove an option from the list.
Select Save to save the variant options, then repeat these steps to add any additional options as needed. All available variant combinations will be displayed below the options you created. Select it to view them, add photos and barcodes, or make changes.
Select Save again to update the entire product.
To add a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Scroll to the Variants section, then select Add Options. The Add Option popup will be displayed.
In the popup, select the Name text box, then select Size or Color to automatically fill in the options for the variant, or enter the name of the custom option you will create.
In the Display Option as list, choose an option:
Chips: Display the options for this product as selectable boxes.
Dropdown: Display the options for this product as a dropdown list.
Image: Display the options for this product as selectable images. You can then add an image to each option by selecting the Upload
Color Swatch: Display the options for this product as selectable colors. You can then choose a color for each option by selecting the Pencil
Each option will display differently on your Vagaro Listing Page and MySite:
Optionally, enter a value for your option, like "small" or "blue." These will be the options your customers can choose from when purchasing a product. Add additional options to your variant by selecting + Add option.
Select the Move
button to reorganize your options. Select the X button to remove an option from the list.
Select Save, then add any additional variant options as needed. All available variant combinations will be displayed below. You can add a photo or make individual or mass changes to your variants.
Select Save to update your product.
With Vagaro barcode scanner, you can scan a product's barcode to allow for a smoother in-house checkout. You must give each variant a unique barcode ID to set this up.
To add barcode IDs:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited and select the Right-Arrow > icon to view its variants.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
Select the variant to be edited.
In the top-right corner, select the Action
menu, then select Edit.
On the Pay Desk or PayPro, select the Action
menu in the middle of the screen.
Enter the Barcode ID.
Select Save.
To add barcode IDs:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Scroll down to Variants and ensure you've created at least one variant. If you did, all your product variants will be displayed below. For example, if you added the Color and Size, combinations of color and size will be displayed.
In the table, enter or scan the Barcode for each applicable variant.
If you have the Vagaro barcode scanner, scan the barcode to enter it in the text box.
Select Save.
Like your products, your variants can have their own image displayed on your MySite or Vagaro Listing Page. You can upload one or multiple images for each variant.
Add images to variants:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited and select the Right-Arrow > icon to view its variants.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
Select the variant to be edited.
In the top-right corner, select the Action
menu, then select Edit.
On the Pay Desk or PayPro, select the Action
menu in the middle of the screen.
Under Product Images, select Upload Images and either take a photo of your product or choose a photo from your photo library. You can select multiple photos at the same time.
Select Attach Photo. Any images you added to the variant will be added under the product's images.
If you're on an iPhone, you can remove the image's background.
Optionally, view or remove images from your product:
In Product Images, select the Right-Arrow > icon.
Select the Action
menu for the image to be modified.
Select an option:
Open Preview: See how your product image will look online.
Set as default: Set this image as the first image shown on your variant's product page.
Delete: Remove this image from your product.
Select the Back-Arrow < button to return to the variant.
Select Save to finalize changes.
Add images to variants:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Scroll down to Variants and ensure you've created at least one variant. If you did, all your product variants will be displayed below. For example, if you added the Color and Size, combinations of color and size will be displayed.
To add an image to each variant:
Select the Upload
button to view the Mass Edit Images popup.
Optionally, if you haven't added any images, select Add Image to upload an image. You can select multiple images at a time.
Select the checkbox for the image you want to add to the variant. The image marked with Default will be displayed first to the customer.
Optionally, you can change the Default image by selecting the image, selecting the Action
menu, and then selecting Set as Default.
Select Apply to add the image. Any images you added to the variant will be added under the product's images.
Optionally, you can edit or delete an image by selecting it under Upload Images, selecting the Action
, and then choosing an option:
Set as Default: Set this image as the first image shown on your product page.
Edit: Open the Vagaro Editor to crop and add filters and effects to your image.
Delete: Remove this image from your product.
Select Save to finalize changes to your product.
After creating your variants for your product, you can make changes to its price, description, low quantity warning, and so on, individually,
To update each variant individually:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
On the Pay Desk or PayPro: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited and select the Right-Arrow > icon to view its variants.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
Select the variant to be edited.
In the top-right corner, select the Action
menu, then select Edit.
On the Pay Desk or PayPro, select the Action
menu in the middle of the screen.
Update the variant as needed.
Select Save to update the variant.
Select Save to finalize changes.
To update each variant individually:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Scroll down to Variants and ensure you've created at least one variant. If you did, all your product variants will be displayed below. For example, if you added the Color and Size, combinations of color and size will be displayed.
Select the Action
menu for the variant to be updated, then select Edit. All fields and settings for the product variant will be displayed.
Update the variant as needed.
Select Save to update the variant.
Select Save to finalize changes.
Instead of changing each variant individually, you can make mass changes at once.
Mass editing variants is available on the web, tablet, Pay Desk, and PayPro versions of Vagaro. If you're on the phone, you must edit each variant individually.
To mass edit a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select the Mass Edit list, then choose an option:
Selling Price: The price of your product displayed.
Business Cost: The price to restock this product.
Taxes: The taxes charged when selling this product.
Either enter a value for each variant or, to mass update, enter a value under Apply this (field name) to all variants, then select Apply to All.
If you mass-edited Taxes, choose the tax you want to apply to the variant instead.
Select Apply to save to add the mass changes.
Select Save to finalize changes.
To mass edit a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select the Mass Edit list, then choose an option:
Points Given: The points given for purchasing each variant.
Points To Redeem: The points required to redeem this variant for free.
Either enter a value for each variant or, to mass edit, enter the value under Apply this quantity to all variants, then select Apply to All.
Select Apply to save to add the mass changes.
Select Save to finalize changes.
You can edit each variant's current Quantity, Max Quantity, or Min Order Quantity individually,or mass edit the changes at once.
To mass edit a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select the Mass Edit list, then choose an option:
Quantities: The amount of this product currently in stock.
Max Quantity: The maximum product quantity you want in stock. When you create a new purchase order, your order quantity will auto-fill to reach this number based on your current stock.
Min Order Quantity: The minimum amount (in multiples) you can order for Purchase Orders with your Vendor. For example, enter "2" if you can only purchase products in multiples of two.
When Quantity Reaches 0: What happens when your product runs out on your online store.
Either enter a value for each variant or, to mass edit, enter the value under Apply this quantity to all variants, then select Apply to All.
If you mass-edited When Quantity Reaches 0, choose to either Hide or Mark as Sold Out.
Select Apply to save to add the mass changes.
Select Save to finalize changes.
To mass edit a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select the Mass Edit list, then select SKU.
Either enter a value for each variant or, to mass edit, enter the value under Apply this quantity to all variants, then select Apply to All.
Select Apply to save to add the mass changes.
Select Save to finalize changes.
To mass edit a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select the Mass Edit list, then select Edit Storage/Display Location.
Enter the Storage Location and Display Location for the selected variants.
Select Apply to save to add the mass changes.
Select Save to finalize changes.
To mass edit a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select the Mass Edit list, then select For Business Use.
Enable For Business Use for the selected variants.
Select Apply to save to add the mass changes.
Select Save to finalize changes.
To mass edit a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select the Mass Edit list, then select Sell Product Online.
Toggle Sell Product Online for the selected variants.
Select Apply to save to add the mass changes.
Select Save to finalize changes.
Delete a variant from your list if you no longer offer it.
To delete a variant:
On the Phone: Go to → → .
Find the product to be edited and select the Right-Arrow > icon to view its variants.
In the top-right corner, select the Search
or Filter
buttons to find and select your products.
Select the variant to be deleted.
In the top-right corner, select the Action
menu, then select Delete.
On the Pay Desk or PayPro, select the Action
menu in the middle of the screen.
Select Delete again to confirm. Repeat these steps for all variants to be deleted.
Select Save to update your product.
To delete a variant:
Go to Inventory Management:
On the Web Version: Go to → → .
On a Tablet: At the bottom of the screen, select Inventory.
Find the product to be edited, select the Action
menu for that product, and then select Edit.
Select the Action
menu for the variant to be removed, then select Delete to delete one variant.
Optionally, You can also delete multiple variants at the same time. To mass delete variants:
Select the checkboxes for the variants you want to modify or select All.
Open the (Option Name) dropdown to filter the view for specific options.
Select Mass Edit, then select Delete Variants.
Select Apply to confirm.
Select Save to finalize changes.
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