If an existing appointment or class session falls on the same time as a class session, appointment, or personal task to be scheduled, you can double-book that time slot to accommodate more bookings. There is no limit to how many bookings you can add to each time slot.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
New appointments at the same time as another appointment or class session can be double-booked for that time slot.
To double-book a service:
Go to the Calendar.
Select an appointment or class session on the Calendar, then select Double Book.
Select New Appointment.
Select the service to be scheduled, then enter the required appointment details, like Price, Customer, Duration, and so on.
Select Book.
To double-book a service:
Go to the Calendar.
Select the open space next to the appointment or class to be double-booked.
Select New Appointment.
Select the service to be scheduled, then enter the required appointment details, like Price, Customer, Duration, and so on.
Select Book.
New class sessions that are at the same time as another appointment or class session can be double-booked at that time slot.
To double-book a class session:
Go to the Calendar.
Select the appointment or class session on the Calendar, then select Double Book.
Select New Class.
Select the class or workshop to be scheduled and enter the required details for the class, like In-House Capacity and Duration.
Select Book.
To double-book a class session:
Go to the Calendar.
Double-book the time slot:
For classes: Select a class session on the Calendar, then select Double Book.
For services: Select the open space next to the appointment to be double-booked, then select New Class.
Select the class or workshop to be scheduled and enter the required details for the class, like In-House Capacity and Duration.
Select Book.
If you want to remind yourself to finish something during your appointment or class session, you can double-book a personal task during that time slot.
To double-book a personal task:
Go to the Calendar.
Select an appointment or class session on the Calendar, then select Double Book.
Select Personal Task.
Optionally, enter some details for your task:
Task Name: A name or description of the personal task.
Date: Pre-populated with the timeslot selected. You can change the date of your task.
Time Off: The duration of the task. You can select Entire Day Off to block off the work day.
Block Online Booking: Whether to prevent customers from booking appointments during this timeslot. If your employer requires acceptance for personal tasks, your manager (Report To in your Employee Profile) will receive a notification to Approve or Deny your personal task. The request will be marked as "Pending".
Comments: Reason for the task.
Files: Add files and images to this task.
Select a Task Color.
Select Book. The system will add the task to the calendar.
To double-book a personal task:
Go to the Calendar.
Select the open space next to the appointment or class to be double-booked.
Select Personal Task.
Optionally, enter some details for your task:
Task Name: A name or description of the personal task.
Block Online Booking: Whether to prevent customers from booking appointments during this timeslot. If your employer requires acceptance for personal tasks, your manager (Report To in your Employee Profile) will receive a notification to Approve or Deny your personal task. The request will be marked as "Pending".
Full Day Off: Block off the entire day.
From and To: If you didn't block off the entire day, enter the duration of your personal task.
Add Comment: Reason for the personal task. You can also drop or select a file to be added to the comment.
Select a task color.
Select Book. The system will add the task to the calendar.
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