A Vagaro license is required for each service provider working at a business. You can see the current number of licenses you have and their total cost at the top of the Employee Profiles screen. You'll only have to pay for a maximum of seven licenses, after which you will be charged a flat rate to add additional licenses. If you try to add a new employee profile but don't have enough licences, you will be prompted to add another license. To be able to reduce your licenses, you will need to deactivate employee profiles to match the number you want to pay for.
Never rename an employee profile to re-use a Vagaro license. Doing so will update all of the previous employee's past bookings with the new employee's name.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
To add or remove a Vagaro license:
If needed, delete any unused employee profiles.
Go to
→ → → . -
At the top of the screen, select See Plan Details.
In the popup, select the total number of bookable calendars you want, then select Save.
To add or remove a Vagaro license:
If needed, delete any unused employee profiles.
Go to
→ → . -
At the top of the screen, select See Plan Details.
In the Select Plan popup, select the total number of bookable calendars you want, then select Save.
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