The Employee Rent Collection report shows renter payment information for the selected date range, including the amount owed, the amount paid, and whether the payment was sent to the business owner.
The following reports also show information about rent collection:
Sales Summary Report: Includes rows for Rent Collection and Commissions (Deducted from Rent Collection).
Sales Trends Report: Includes columns for Projected Rent and Rent Charge.
Combined Sales Report: Includes rows for Rent Collection and Commissions (Deducted from Rent Collection).
Employees / Payroll: Includes a column for Rent Collection.
Payroll History Report: Includes a column for Rent Collection.
Prerequisites: This feature requires Credit Card Processing to collect failed rent payments.
Running this report on a phone shows a separate card for each employee's payment. The payment status is listed on the card but also identified by a colored bar on the left side. If a payment failed, select the Information chip to view the reason.
To run the Employee Rent Collection report:
Go to
→ → . -
At the top of the screen, select the Date Range of the data to view.
Optionally, select the Filters
button in the top-right corner of the screen to filter the contents of the report, then select Apply.
Renter: Select the employees to include in the report, or select All Renters.
Successful Payments: Whether to include employees whose rent payments have been successful.
Failed Payments: Whether to include employees whose rent payments failed.
Pending Payments: Whether to include employees whose rent payments are pending.
Include Past Renters: Whether to include employees who no longer work at your business.
Business Location: If your business has multiple locations, select the multi-location businesses or all locations in a group you want to review.
Optionally, to view the details of each payment, select its card, then select View Details. If applicable, any commissions deducted are also listed.
Optionally, to collect rent for a failed payment, select the card, then select Pay By Credit Card.
Running this report on the web, tablet, Pay Desk, or PayPro shows the data in a table, and each payment is listed in a separate row. If a payment failed, select the Information chip to view the reason.
To run the Employee Rent Collection report:
Go to
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At the top of the screen, set the filters for your report, then select Run Report.
Date Range: Select the start and end dates of the report, then select Submit.
Renters: Select the renters (employees) to include in the report, or choose Select All in the list.
Status: Select one or more payment statuses to show in the report.
Advanced Filters: Optionally, select any additional filters to further refine the report.
Business Location: If your business has multiple locations, select the multi-location businesses or all locations in a group you want to review.
Include Past Employees: Whether to include employees who no longer work at your business.
Optionally, sort the appointments by selecting the column headers at the top of the report.
Optionally, to view the details of each payment, select its Action
menu, then select View Details. If applicable, any commissions deducted for services, classes, and products are also listed.
At the bottom of the screen, you can select:
Print: Get a hard copy of the report.
Export: Save the report to an Excel or PDF file (web version only).
Generating this report will show the following information about your employees' rent payments:
Payment Date: Date when the payment was made.
Renter: Name of the employee paying rent.
Rent Amount: The amount that the employee owes.
Amount Paid: The amount that the employee paid to the business owner.
Status: Whether the rent payment was successfully, paid, or still pending.
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