Setting up automatic rent collection allows you to charge your renters, schedule recurring payments, and even deduct commissions from the rent you collect directly in Vagaro. That means fewer missed, failed, or unnecessary payments. Renters do not need to be service providers for you to collect rent from them.
Setting up rent collection gives you options to:
Set the cost of rent for each booth renter.
Set frequency and day of the week to collect rent payments or tie rent payments to your payroll schedule.
Deduct commissions from rent.
Collect rent from a booth renter's credit or debit card. Business owners are charged a transaction fee based on their merchant type. This will follow Vagaro's batch schedule.
Set up a backup payment method.
Require signing a rental contract as part of the employee setup process.
Provide 1099-MISC forms to renters.
(US only) ACH payments for rent collection may take up to 5 business days for funds to become available. This adjustment, implemented by the processing bank, is in response to an increase in ACH returns after transactions have been funded. This change aims to prevent merchants from being debited for these returns. Merchants are still responsible for the ACH return fee on any payments that are returned. Business owners are charged a 1% ACH fee for this payment method.
If the transaction fails because of an issue with the booth renter's bank account, the business owner is charged $20.
Prerequisites: This feature requires credit card processing to collect rent payments. To deduct commission from rent, you also need to configure your payroll or activate Vagaro Payroll.
For employees to see the Rent Collection tab in their profile, toggle on the Manage Own Profile permission in the Access Levels screen.
To set access levels for rent collection:
Go to Access Levels.
On a Phone: Select → → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk : Select → → .
On the Access Levels tab, select the Action menu of the desired role to add visibility for Rent Collection tab to, and then select Edit.
At the bottom of the screen, scroll to Settings and set Manage Own Profile to Modify.
For the Manage Employee Rent Collection setting, select View and Modify.
Select Save.
The first collection date for rent must be at least 24 hours in advance. If an employee is added the same day rent collection is scheduled, they will be charged on the next scheduled payment date. Configuring rent collection requires that you have at least one renter in the Renter List.
To configure rent collection:
Go to Rent Collection.
On a Phone: Go to → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → .
Toggle on whether to Deduct Commission from Rent to sync the rent collection date to your payroll date, then select OK in the popup. This setting allows employees to apply their commissions toward their rent payments to lower the amount they owe each month. For commissions to be deducted from rent payments, payroll and commissions must be set up in the Payroll Configuration screen and specified for each employee; otherwise, the full rent amount will be paid.
Specify the Charge Frequency when rent is collected:
Weekly: Collect rent every week on a specific Day of Week.
Every Other Week: Collect rent every two weeks on a specific Day of Week.
Twice a month: Collect rent on the 15th and last day of each month.
Monthly: Collect rent on the last day of the month.
Select when the Next Rent Collection Date will be (based on the selected Charge Frequency).
If you want to Require Rent Contract:
Vagaro Forms is required to use this feature. It has a built-in Rental Contract form for you to use, or you can create your own rental form. You cannot edit the form in the Vagaro Pro app.
Toggle on Require Rent Contract.
In the Select Form list, select the rental agreement.
Optionally, select Edit Form to modify the form for your business, if needed.
Optionally, select Preview to view how the renter will see the form, including the acknowledgment check box and signature area.
Select the Payment Method:
Select Bank Account (US only) or Credit Card for the Primary Payment Method. Renters will be prompted to enter their payment information when they are added to the Renter List.
Select whether to request a Backup Payment Method, which will send the renter a notification if their primary payment method fails.
Select Save.
Renters must already have an employee profile before they can be charged rent. If a renter's information is incomplete when rent is due, the system will automatically charge the owed rent when submitted. Similarly, if their primary and/or backup payment method fails, the system will automatically charge the owed rent when their payment goes through.
If the business changes the rent charge frequency, unpaid rent will not be collected from renters with a "Pending Request" status.
To add a renter:
Go to Rent Collection.
On a Phone: Go to → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → .
Scroll down to the Renters section, and then select + Add Renter.
Select the Renter in the list and enter the Rent Amount.
Select how you want to receive the renter's information:
Request Renter Completion: Send an email and push notification to the renter so they can fill out their information on their own time and device.
Fill Payment Information: Allow the renter to provide the required information directly on your device.
If you choose to Require Rent Contract, you will need to fill out the form you attached after filling out the required information.
Select Save or Send Request.
To resend the rent request for information:
On a Phone: Select the renter's name that says "Request Sent" below it, then select Resend Request.
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Select the Action menu in the Action column of the renter's name that says "Request Sent" below it, and then select Edit Payment Method.
Hi, is there anyway that we can set them up by commission base instead of a set amount?
Not right now, Christina. You could add this as a suggestion as a new feature request.
Is there a way to make this commission based instead!!! It would be a lot simpler for me if Vagaro had a feature where the employee get a percentage that’s we pay them that way and we the company keeps the rest! Like for membership sales or rent!
Aurren: Since collecting Rent & Fees is a relatively new feature, I'm sure there will be improvements and changes in the future. Please check the feature request pages and either enter your request or up-vote an existing one that matches what you want to see.
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