Edit the Duration of a Service



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    Jennifer Hill

    Suddenly we (business owners) are unable to change the service time to zero minutes. Please update to how it was prior to a week or two ago. This is very frustrating. Because I’m using gap time and the add on feature now I’m unable to book to my fullest capacity

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    Vagaro Support

    Hi Jennifer... I cannot recreate the situation you describe in my test environment. I've created a support ticket for you, and you should hear from them soon.


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    Kate Ross

    I’m the only one in my barber shop that has gone to 30 minute appointments, everyone else is 20. We have changes just myself to 30 minutes, but the software doesn’t seem to allow us to also make the booking intervals top of the hour or 30 minutes after. So my clients are booking at 1:40 and 2:20 instead of 1 and 1:30 like I need.

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    Vagaro Support

    Hi Kate... The only thing I can suggest is that the business change the Search Appointment Interval (In Settings / Booking / Online Appointment Rules) to 30 minutes. THEN all appointment options are at the top or 1/2 hour - probably depending on the business's opening time.

    Please contact Vagaro Support for more help on this.



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