The Deposit report helps you keep track of all transfers made to your bank account from Vagaro. It includes all payments made by customers using their cards, Vagaro Pay Later, or rent payments from your booth renters. If you have multiple merchant accounts, you can switch between the details of each account from this report. This report is a great way to stay on top of your finances and help see what fees were deducted from your deposit.
Prerequisites: This feature requires Credit Card Processing.
To run the deposit report:
Go to your Merchant Account settings:
On the Vagaro Pro App: Go to → .
On the Web Version: In the top-right corner, select your profile icon, then select Merchant Accounts.
Expand the Merchant list, then select the merchant account to be changed.
Select the Deposits tab.
Set a date range for the report under Report Date Range. All deposits processed during the date range you set will display.
Select Apply to run the report.
The Deposit Summary under Report Date Range shows a breakdown of the payments received, fees paid, refunds, and more. Note that any numbers surrounded by "()" represent a deduction to the deposit.
This summary displays the following:
Gross Sales: The total amount of sales made through card payments without any deductions.
Fees: The total amount from fees deducted from your deposit.
Refunds: The total amount from card refunds deducted from your deposit.
Chargebacks: The total amount from customer chargebacks deducted from your deposit. The chargeback fee is not included.
Net Deposit: The amount deposited into your bank account.
The table below the report summary lists each deposit received from Vagaro and the various fees taken from the deposit, credit card income, and the deposit date:
Date: The date funds were deposited into your bank account.
Swiped / # Of Swiped: The amount earned and the number of transactions made through "swiped" transactions.
Typed / # Of Typed: The amount earned and the number of transactions made through "typed" transactions.
ACH / # Of ACH: The amount earned and the number of transactions made through recurring rent payments.
Vagaro Pay Later / # Of Pay Later: The amount earned and the number of transactions made through Vagaro Pay Later.
Total: The gross income earned from cards, Vagaro Pay Later, and/or rent payments.
Typed Fee / Swiped Fee: The percentage charged for each transaction. For example, the swiped fee for Large Merchants is 2.2% per swipe in the US. Notice how this does not include the $0.19 per transaction because this fee is listed under Transaction Fee.
ACH Fee / Pay Later Fee (US Only): The amount deducted for rent collection and the Pay Later fees.
Transaction Fee: The base amount charged per transaction. For example, the transaction fee for Large Merchants is $0.19 in the US and does not include the Typed Fee / Swiped Fee.
Total Fee / Monthly Fee / FANF Fee: The sum of all fees, the monthly $10 fee for the Large Merchant plan, and the total Fixed Acquirer Network Fee (FANF) deducted from your deposit.
Refund / # Of Refund: The total amount refunded and the number of refunds deducted from this deposit
Chargebacks / # Of Chargebacks: The total refunded deducted from chargebacks and the number of chargebacks for that date.
The chargeback fee is included in Total Fee.
Net Deposit: The amount deposited in your bank account.
Selecting a deposit on the report shows the details of each transaction included in that particular deposit:
Transaction Date: The date this transaction was processed.
Deposit Date: The date this transaction was transferred to your bank account.
Tran Number: The unique number assigned to this transaction for documentation purposes. Enter this number in the Transaction List report to view all items purchased.
Tran Type: The transaction type for each row item, like void, refund, and a successful card transaction.
Swiped/Typed: The type (swiped or typed) of card payment used.
Name: The name associated with the customer card.
Last 4 of Acct: The customer's last four digits of their credit card number.
Gross: The total earned for this transaction.
Disc Fee: This is the percentage charged for each transaction. For example, the swiped fee for Large Merchants is 2.2% per swipe in the US. Notice how this does not include the $0.19 per transaction because this fee is listed under Per Tran.
Per Tran: The base amount charged per transaction. For example, the transaction fee for Large Merchants is $0.19 in the US and does not include the Disc Fee.
Refund: The amount refunded.
Fee: The total fees deducted from this deposit.
Net Amount: The amount deposited or withdrawn from your bank account.
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