If you have multiple services that you charge for the same price, require the same amount of points to redeem for, and give the same amount of points, you can mass edit the services together instead of editing them one by one.
Prerequisites: This feature is only available for businesses on the web, tablet, or Pay Desk, and you must already have at least one service or class set up.
To mass edit services:
Go to
→ → . -
At the end of the employee's row, select the Action
menu, then select Services.
If the employee works for multiple multiple locations, select the employee's blue Locations link, then select the Action
menu for the location to mass edit services for.
Next to Copy Pricing, select Mass Edit, then select what to mass edit about the services:
Service Price: Select the category and services to mass edit, and then select whether to update the services with a Set Price with a specific amount, or Price Ratio based on the duration and price entered. For example, if you enter a Set Price of $20, then all selected services will cost $20; if the Price Ratio is 1, then a 30-minute service would give 30 points, or 1 point per minute.
Points Given: Select the category and services to mass edit, then select whether to assign a Set Value (P) of points or based on the Percentage of Price (%). For example, if a service price is $30 and you enter a Set Value of 10, then all selected services will give 10 points; if you set the Percentage of Price to 50, the service will give 15 points.
Points to Redeem: Select the category and services to mass edit, then select whether to assign a Set Value (P) of points required to redeem for service. Optionally, you can also require a Multiple of Points Given (X) value to multiply the entered value by the number of points given for a service. For example, if a $100 service and you enter 100 Points to Redeem, then a customer will need to redeem 100 points to get that service for free; however, if you enter 10 as a Multiple of Points Given, then the customer will need to redeem 1000 points to get that service for free.
Select Apply.
Select Save.
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