All text campaign types allow you to filter your customer list based on specific criteria, allowing you to create targeted text campaigns. For example, you can use these filters to:
Create a campaign that only sends to customers who have booked an appointment with me. (Customers of Employees)
Create a campaign that automatically sends customers a promo code for a free service after they spend more than $1,000 at your business. (Amount Paid Between)
Create a campaign that targets customers who've gone to your business since day one. (Customer Since)
and more...
In the Vagaro Pro app, filters are limited to Gender, Customers Of, and Age Range. To use the full range of selection and filtering options, we recommend creating your campaign on the Web or Tablet version.
Prerequisites: This feature requires a text marketing plan with an approved phone number.
To filter your customers:
Start creating a text marketing campaign. If you're not sure how, see the following articles:
Choose a campaign type and select Apply on the Create Campaign screen.
Doing so will open the Send To screen, where you can narrow down your campaign's recipient list.
Customers Of: Send to customers who've had a service with a specific service provider.
Age Range: Adjust the slider to select an age range (from 0 to 110) for customers to receive the campaign.
Configure the rest of your campaign and announce it.
To filter your customers:
Start creating a text marketing campaign. If you're not sure how, see the following articles:
When creating a campaign, select Edit Filter next to Select Recipients.
Doing so will open the Select Filtered Audience, where you can narrow down your campaign's recipient list to customers who fit certain criteria.
Customer Since:The date a customer's profile was created or added to your business.
Select Any if you don't have a preference.
Select Before to target customers who've been with the business before a specific date. Then select the Date.
Select After to message customers who've been with you after the selected Date.
Last Visit: The customer's last checked-out appointment or purchase.
Select Any if you don't have a preference.
Select Before to target customers who last visited your business before a specific date. Then select the Date.
Select After to send a message to customers who've visited you after the selected Date.
Select Between for customer visits between a selected date range.
No. of Apps Between: Send the message to customers who have a specific number of appointments. Enter 10 in the left field and 0 in the right, and the software will select customers who have had at least ten appointments. If you enter 10 in the left field and 10 in the right, the software will send to customers with exactly ten appointments.
Amount Paid Between: Send the campaign to customers who spent a specific amount of money at your business.
General Tag: A keyword or phrase added to a customer's profile and used as an identifier or as a way to find a customer. Enter a customer tag here to send the campaign to customers with that tag. Enter multiple tags separated by commas.
Referred By: Limit the campaign to customers referred to your business by a specific client.
Customers of Employees: Send to customers who've had a service with a specific service provider. Use checkboxes (or Select All) to select employees from the drop-down list.
If you check Customers of Past Employees, the list of choices expands to include your past employees.
If you have the access level of Employees Can Only Send Campaigns to Own Customers set, the drop-down list will show only your name, grayed out, to indicate that you cannot select other employees for the campaign.
Age Between: Adjust the slider to select an age range (from 0 to 110) for customers to receive the campaign.
Has or Doesn't Have Membership: Filter your list to only send to customers with selected Memberships.
Past Services/Classes/Packages: Filter the list by customers who've had or taken a specific service or class or purchased a particular package, and select the field under Past Services/Classes/Packages. Then, use checkboxes to select options to include in the filter, and select Apply.
Configure the rest of your campaign, then announce it.
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