Deposits, also called upfront payments, down payments, or advance amounts, help prevent no-shows, late cancellations, and profit loss by making sure time slots are not wasted. When a customer no-shows or cancels their appointment or class, you get to keep their deposit.
You can configure your Vagaro Listing Page to require a deposit for services or classes booked online as an upfront cost or percentage, or manually charge a deposit when booking from your calendar.
Vagaro only accepts and processes deposits and fees from Vagaro Merchant Services.
Prerequisites: This feature requires Credit Card Processing and the Online Shopping Cart.
Here's what you should know about deposits in Vagaro.
Appointments and classes with the 100% Prepaid Appointment
, Deposit
, Paid by Membership
, and Paid by Package
icons have been fully or partially paid for.
If you run Payroll through Vagaro, employees will receive money from the deposit on the same Payroll Cycle as the appointment date.
Customers can use a membership or package visit to fully pay for an appointment that requires a deposit.
If a membership is used to partially discount a service or class, the deposit amount will be recalculated accordingly.
Any deposits paid with a card online will automatically store that card in the customer's profile.
Please see our batch time schedule for when you will receive your funds. Employees with their own merchant account will receive the funds for any deposits paid for on their bookings.
You can refund a deposit when you (or the customer) cancel an appointment. This can be set up automatically from your online appointment settings or directly from the Calendar.
A 100% deposit is due upon booking a live stream service or class, regardless of this setting, to prevent customers from bypassing payments to your business.
To set up deposits for services:
Go to your Online Shopping Cart settings:
On a Phone: Go to → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → .
Scroll down to Require Deposit or Capture Credit Card at the time of Booking Services and select Deposits.
Enter the Depsoit Due and configure your deposit:
In the Deposit Due box, set a percentage-based or fixed deposit.
In the For Bookings Greater Than or Equal To box, enter the minimum service price that requires a deposit.
Optionally, to have these settings apply to in-house deposits, select Use Same Rules for In-House Deposits.
Under Require Payment for, choose what type of customers require a deposit by selecting one or more of the following options:
New customer appointments: Customers who don't have a customer profile at your business.
Old customer appointments: Customers who already have a customer profile at your business.
Mobile service appointments: Customers who schedule a mobile service appointment
Customer with no-shows or cancellations: Customers who have cancelled or missed an appointment at least once at your business.
In the Appointment Cancellation Policy box, enter a cancellation policy for your business if you haven't already.
Select Save.
From now on, the system will prompt the customer to pay upfront for their appointment when booking online.
To set up deposits for classes:
Go to your Online Shopping Cart settings:
On a Phone: Go to → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → .
Scroll down to Require Deposit or Capture Credit Card at the time of Booking Classes and select Deposits.
Enter the Depsoit Due and configure your deposit:
In the Deposit Due box, set a percentage-based or fixed deposit.
In the For Bookings Greater Than or Equal To box, enter the minimum class price that requires a deposit.
Optionally, to have these settings apply to in-house deposits, select Use Same Rules for In-House Deposits.
Under Require Payment for, choose what type of customers require a deposit by selecting one or more of the following options:
New customer appointments: Customers who don't have a customer profile at your business.
Old customer appointments: Customers who already have a customer profile at your business.
Customer with no-shows or cancellations: Customers who have cancelled or missed an appointment at least once at your business.
In the Class Cancellation Policy box, enter a cancellation policy for your business if you haven't already.
Select Save.
From now on, the system will prompt the customer to pay upfront for their appointment when booking online.
What happens to the deposit if they cancel before the cancellation window?
Hi, Jessi. It depends on your settings in the Online Appointment Rules screen. If you want your customers to automatically get their deposits back, toggle on Automatically Refund Prepaid Appointments. You can refer to this article for more information about this screen:
Is there a way to not have the deposit automatically go into the same payroll as the week they paid their deposit, especially if the service is a couple months booked out? Also we have multiple stylist, and we change appointments around, but the deposit will not move with that new stylist, how do we fix this?
Hi Megan,
Because Payroll reporting is based on Appointment Date, not Transaction Date, the deposit cannot currently be paid to employees during the same payroll cycle.
However, if you are changing appointments around, you'll need to go to the Transaction List and change the Sold By employee for the deposit. See the screenshot below.
Thanks, Jamie
If they cancel the future appointment closer to their appointment date, will this be takin out of the employees future payroll automatically because it was refunded?
Hi Megan,
If an appointment is cancelled before the scheduled date and the deposit is refunded, the refunded deposit will not be included in future payrolls. Funds will only be deducted from future payrolls if a past appointment has been refunded. In this case, the refunded amount will be taken out of the employee's next payroll cycle.
On the other hand, if you opt not to refund the deposit for a cancelled appointment, the employee will receive their funds in the payroll cycle of the original appointment date.
Thanks, Jamie
I would like to make my depostis non refundable. Is there somewhere I can advise clients of my deposit policy or is there a receipt of deposit notification I can sent them that contains this information?
Hi Amaris, by default, all deposits are non-refundable unless you configure your settings to automatically refund your customers when they cancel. If you want to emphasize that they are non-refundable, make sure that you mention this in your business's cancellation and refund policies. These policies can be edited in your Online Appointment Rules and Online Shopping Cart settings.
Thanks, Jamie
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