Payroll History Report



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    Carrie Johnson

    Is there a way to print the employees payroll after processing it?  I can print the report but it's so tiny, I could cut it into tiny strips, but they can't see the categories.  I want to be able to show each staff their pay calculations.  Or is there a way for them to view it on their own devices after it's processed?  

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    Vagaro Support

    Hi Carrie... there doesn't seem to be a way to do what you want. I might suggest, as a workaround, that you could run the payroll for individual employees without closing it out, print or create a PDF of each report for each employee and then run the entire payroll report in order to close and process. Probably not a great workaround if you have a lot of employees, but that's what I can think of. Consider adding this as a new feature request!

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    Grace J Power

    The Gusto integration works great if you are paying your employees as W2. I tried connecting it for contractors and it does not integrate, so I have to enter their pay amounts manually. 


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