From the marketing campaign dashboard, you can view all campaigns you've sent to your customers and see how they've performed. For example, if you sent out a text blast that promoted one of your services, you can report on the success of this campaign, like how many customers received the message, how many customers booked the service you promoted, and how many messages failed to send.
Adding links to your campaigns allows for tracking the click-through rate and how many customers booked through the link. These metrics are only tracked for Vagaro links; Vagaro will not track clicks to external websites outside of Vagaro.
Prerequisites: Requires at least one active email or text campaign.
To view a campaign's success:
Go to
→ . -
Select Campaigns.
Select one of the following:
All Messages
Optionally, at the top of the screen, filter your campaigns by Email or Text or search for an individual campaign.
Select the campaign you want to view. A report on the success of your text and/or email campaign will be displayed. If you selected a Text & Email campaign, you can look into the Emails or Text report at the top of the screen.
Review the information for your Text Campaigns:
The number of Texts Sent from this campaign.
The number and percentage of texts Delivered.
The number and percentage of customers who Clicked on a link in your campaign.
The number of customers who Booked an appointment from this campaign.
The number of texts that failed to reach a customer.
Select an item above to see more.
Review the information for your Email Campaigns:
The number of Email Sent from this campaign.
The percentage of emails that were Opened.
The percentage of customers who Clicked on a link in your campaign.
The total emails Processed.
The total emails Delivered.
The total emails Opened.
The total emails Clicked.
The total emails sent to customers who previously Unsubscribed.
The total emails sent to the customer's Spam folder.
The total emails that Failed to send to a customer.
Select an item above to see more.
To view a campaign's success
Select the Marketing tab at the top or bottom of the screen.
Under the Email & Text Marketing heading, select Create Campaign to go to the marketing dashboard.
Optionally, on the left side of the screen, select one of the following:
All Messages
Automated Sends
Find the campaign you want to view:
Use the Search box to find a specific campaign.
In the All Campaigns menu, filter by Text or Email.
Under Status, select Announced.
In the top-right corner, choose how you to view your report:
Chart View:
In the Chart View, you can:
Look into messages that were Processed, Delivered, Opened, or Failed.
Look into email campaigns that were sent to customers who previously Unsubscribed to your campaigns, messages that were sent to the customer's Spam folder, or customers who Clicked on a link in your campaign.
See how many customers booked an appointment from this campaign.
See the percentage of Texts Clicked compared to Processed texts.
In the Details view, you can:
Search for recipients in the Email/Cell/Name text box.
Look into text messages that were Processed, Delivered, Clicked, and Failed.
The customer's name, the phone number this campaign was sent to, and the date the campaign was received.
Export this report to Excel or PDF.
Print your report.
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