You can jump to a different day, week, or month to quickly see your upcoming appointments and events. You can also move the date on the calendar back or forward years if needed. You can jump around the calendar by:
Swiping left or right on the calendar.
Selecting a specific date on the calendar.
Jumping back or forward a set number of days, weeks, months, or years.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
There are many ways you can jump around different dates and navigate through the calendar:
Swipe left or right on your calendar to see the previous (left) or next (right) day, week, or month, depending on your current view.
In the top-left corner, select the Calendar button to return to the current day, week, or month, depending on your current view.
Near the top of the screen, use the < or > buttons to jump forward or backward one day, week, or month, depending on your current view.
In the top-right corner, select the Action menu, then select the Calendar Jump button to jump to a specific month and/or year. Use the < or > buttons to cycle through the different months, or select the current month with the Down-Arrow icon to choose another year or month. Select a day on the calendar or select Done to update your calendar.
In the same menu, Jump by Week by selecting one of the negative or positive numbers. For example, if you select -8, the calendar will go back eight weeks. If you select +4, the calendar will advance four weeks. Select Today to go back to today's schedule. Select Done to update your calendar.
There are many ways you can jump around different dates and navigate through the calendar:
In the top-left corner of the screen, there's a calendar tool you can use to jump to a day in the month or cycle through the different months of the year. Use the < or > buttons to cycle through the different months, then select a date on the calendar to jump to it.
In the same calendar tool, select the current month between the < and > buttons to jump to another month and/or year. Use the << or >> buttons to view more years, or select the Today button to choose the current month and year. Select OK to lock in your month and year, then select a date on the calendar tool to jump to it.
Near the top of the screen, use the < or > buttons to jump forward or backward one day, week, or month, depending on the current view you're in. You can also jump to another week by selecting one of the negative or positive numbers. For example, if you select -8, the calendar will go back eight weeks. If you select +4, the calendar will advance four weeks. Select Today to see today's schedule.
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