Ensure that you never lose out on appointments or customers by maintaining a waitlist. When your calendar is fully booked with appointments, customers can add themselves to your waitlist, and in the event of a customer cancellation or an open timeslot, customers on the waitlist will then be given an opportunity to book.
When customers waitlist on the calendar, the service provider(s) requested will receive a notification in the Notification Panel . A waitlisted appointment can always be manually accepted at any time.
There are four waitlist options:
You Pick: There are no automatic bookings. All appointments must be manually accepted by an employee.
Money Maker: Automatically notify the customer with the highest-priced appointment when a timeslot opens.
First in Line: Automatically notify the first customer on the waitlist when a timeslot opens.
Instant Book: Automatically notify all customers on the waitlist when a timeslot opens. The first one to book gets the appointment.
Remember, customers will be removed from the waitlist if their requested appointment day and time passes.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
In your Online Appointment Rules, you can choose one of the four waitlist types mentioned above.
With the You Pick option, all customers on the waitlist must be manually accepted in the Notification Panel .
Go to your Online Appointment Rules.
On a Phone: Go to → → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → → .
Under Select a Waitlist type, select You Pick.
Configure your waitlist settings:
Waitlist Notifications: The employee selected for the waitlisted appointment will receive an email, text, and/or push notification when the appointment is booked. The notification received depends on the employee's notification settings.
Customers Can Add to Waitlist: Give customers the option to add themselves to the waitlist. Turning this setting off will require you to manually add customers to your waitlist.
Select Save.
With the Money Maker, the available slot is given to the customer with the highest-paid appointment on the waitlist. If the customer does not respond within the set timeframe, the next highest-paid appointment is given the opportunity to book.
Example: Two customers are waitlisted for an appointment:
Doris - $285 haircut / 150 minutes
Gretchen - $85 haircut / 60 minutes
When a 60-minute timeslot opened up, the earliest available time automatically went to Gretchen because she has the highest-paid appointment that fits into the time slot.
Go to your Online Appointment Rules.
On a Phone: Go to → → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → → .
Under Select a Waitlist type, select Money Maker.
Configure your waitlist settings:
Time to Respond: The amount of time a customer has to respond to the appointment request until it is given to the next customer.
Customers Can Add to Waitlist: Give customers the option to add themselves to the waitlist. Turning this setting off will require you to manually add customers to your waitlist.
Select Save.
When customers waitlist on the calendar, the service provider(s) requested will receive a notification in the Notification Panel . A waitlisted appointment can always be manually accepted at any time.
With the First in Line option, the system will send the first customer on the waitlist a notification when a timeslot opens up. If the customer does not respond within the set timeframe, the next customer in line is given the opportunity to book.
Go to your Online Appointment Rules.
On a Phone: Go to → → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → → .
Under Select a Waitlist Type, select First in Line.
Configure your waitlist settings:
Time to Respond: The amount of time a customer has to respond to the appointment request until it is given to the next customer.
Customers Can Add to Waitlist: Give customers the option to add themselves to the waitlist. Turning this setting off will require you to manually add customers to your waitlist.
Select Save.
With the Instant Book option, the system will send all customers on the waitlist a notification when a timeslot opens up. Appointments will then be booked on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Go to your Online Appointment Rules.
On a Phone: Go to → → → .
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Go to → → .
Under Select a Waitlist Type, select Instant Book.
Keep Customers Can Add to Waitlist turned on to give customers the option to add themselves to the waitlist. Turning this setting off will require you to manually add customers to your waitlist.
Select Save.
Our clients do not receive notification when they're added to the waitlist, regardless of their notification settings. It would be very helpful if they did. Is there a setting we should check?
Hi Jessi... the only thing I can think of is this: if the customer added themselves to the waitlist, they would not receive a notification. I can't tell if that's the case here, or not, so I've created a ticket for your issue, and you should hear from support about it.
So I'm finding that having 5 date options just ends up sending my client to many emails. I've read through most of the feature requests and the most common and asked for option, is a date range for the clients to be notified for, along with the already specific date requests. I'll look at my list and I'll have 1 client listed 5 or more times! Most clients want to be notified of any openings within the week they need or before a specific date.
Another needed feature is giving the client an option to book another appt 1 or more weeks after the appt they booked online. Many barber clients want to set up a series of appts at one time.
Hi, Keri. Thank you for your comment. I've forwarded your comment to our Support Team, and someone will follow up with you shortly to help answer your questions about waitlisting your customers.
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