To help you keep track of how many new and returning customers are visiting your business, Vagaro can track customer retention by request type and display a badge on the appointment in your Vagaro calendar. You can run the Customer Retention Report to see your customer retention by appointment type and by employee.
All bookings can be categorized into one of four appointment types:
RR (Return Request): Returning customers who requested a specific service provider. Customers are considered "returning" if they have previously been checked out by any service provider at your business.
RNR (Return Non-Request): Returning customers who didn't request a specific service provider. Customers are considered "returning" if they have previously been checked out by any service provider at your business.
NR (New Request): New clients who requested a specific service provider.
NNR (New Non-Request): New clients who didn't request a specific service provider.
Enabling customer retention tracking does not apply retroactively to past appointments or to those that have already been booked.
When you schedule a customer in-house, you must select an appointment type; however, online bookings are automatically assigned an appointment type based on whether they have been checked out at your business or if they selected a service provider. For example, the following scheduled appointment for Chuck Owens was tagged as NNR (new, non-request) because he has never visited this business before and he did not request a specific provider when he booked the service.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
To enable customer tracking of customer retention:
Go to Calendar Configuration.
On a Phone: Go to → → .
On a Tablet or Pay Desk: Go to → .
On the Web: On the top menu, hover over Calendar, and then select Configuration.
Scroll down to Track Customer Retention and toggle it on.
Select whether to Display Badge for all customers or Display Badge for new customers only.
Select Save.
Because Vagaro automatically assigns an appointment to type to online bookings, you can manually change it by editing the appointment or in the Checkout screen.
i am a solo studio owner/worker. is there a way to just have nr and rr?
also, is there a way the system could automatically do this for online booking- like just look up if a client has been in before?
Good suggestions. Please consider adding these as new feature requests (link at the top of the help center pages), or up-voting existing requests that are similar to what you want.
I really wish vagaro would add a first time client retention report as well as a more detailed customer rebooking information. It makes it super hard for us to do performance evaluations on a team based business model
Please consider adding this as a new feature request (link at the top of the help center pages), or up-voting existing requests that are similar to what you want.
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