Reward Customers for Referrals



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    Is it possible to add a "history" for the points balance so that we can see when points were added or deducted? (Also, if there was a way to add a memo for it too, that would be incredibly awesome!! That way we can track when the points are being added and deducted, by whom and for what purpose.) 

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    Charles I

    Hi Ms. Angela,

    I think this is a great recommendation, but we don't have this functionality at this point. I would recommend sending a feature request to our development team. You can go to this link:

    The workaround would be to add that information as a Customer Note in the client's profile. You can at least track it that way. 

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    Why is it manual for us but automated for Vagaro's own benefit?

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    Vagaro Support

    Could you provide a bit more info on your question, Danielle?

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    Angela Torresi, CPCP

    I would like a function that allows referral points to automatically apply to a customer when a new customer gives their name as a referrer. right now im having to do it manually.

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    Ahsan Qazi

    Hi Angela,

    Great suggestion. This feature has been previously requested as well. Please vote on this feature request here.

    You can also navigate to this link and view other feature requests.

    How it works:
    • Search to see if your suggestion currently exists, vote for it if you like it
    • If you have a suggestion that’s not listed yet, submit your own
    • Please remember, only 1 suggestion per post


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    Ally D

    Do we have any updates on this? Lots of us have voted for this request since 2018 and nothing has been implemented. Having to do everything manually becomes almost impossible to track as your business grows. Is there still no automated way with vagaro?

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    Nadia Barsamian

    The wait has been a huge negative on my end. Considering switching software soon.

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    This should be basic, why on earth and how on earth are you supposed to manually keep track of this, it should be automatically added

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    Ty Edge

    Also, to echo Danielle HueVine's point from a couple years ago (red flag), it seems like a slap in the face to us business owners that Vagaro itself tracks and rewards business owners for referring users to Vagaro, but won't extend the functionality to the business owners using Vagaro, so that we too can manage referrals from our own clients. The dashboard feature makes it evident that the company has developed or sourced the technology to track this; why not extend that to users of your platform - or at least create an integration partnership with your provider (if Vagaro is using another company to implement this feature for itself)? 


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