Charge your customers with ease by adding fees to your services and classes. To make fees easier to manage, you can automatically apply fees to everything your business offers or just specific items, like services or classes. Also, you can manually apply fees at checkout to handle more specific situations, like a Green fee.
Before creating any fees, remember to set Access Level permissions for your employees. With the Fees access level in the Checkout section, you can manage your employees’ ability to remove automatic fees or add new fees in checkout.
You can create a maximum of five fees. Any transactions that include fees are documented in the Transaction List Report as a separate line item.
If you have multiple merchant accounts at your business location, keep in mind that funds received from any fees will always be deposited into the business owner's merchant account.
Fees will also be applied to add-ons at checkout.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
Fees need to be created before they can be applied to customer transactions at checkout.
To create a new fee:
Go to
→ → → . -
Scroll down to the Fees section, then select Add Fee.
Enter a Fee Name.
In Fee Amount, enter a dollar ($) or percentage-based (%) fee.
Optionally, in the Tax list, select up to four tax rates for the fee, and then select Done.
Select how the fee is applied:
Apply Once Per Checkout: If you apply a fee to a checkout with multiple services, the fee will automatically apply to the entire shopping cart.
Apply Per Item: If you apply a fee to a checkout with multiple services, the fee will be applied to each item.
Optionally, toggle Automatically Apply Fee to automatically apply this fee to purchases made in-house and online.
In Fee Will Apply To, choose whether to apply this fee to all items at your business or just certain types.
If you apply fees to memberships or packages, choose whether to Only apply fee to the initial membership/package purchase and not each renewal.
Select Save to create the new fee, then select Save again to save all changes.
To create a new fee:
Go to
→ → . -
Scroll down to the Fees section, then select Add Fee.
Enter a Fee Name that customers and service providers can easily understand.
Select the Fee Amount field, select $ for a dollar amount or % for a percentage, and then enter the Fee Amount.
Select the Tax drop-down menu to apply taxes for the fee.
Reminder: you can select up to four taxes.
Select how the fee is applied:
Apply Once Per Checkout
If you apply a fee to a checkout with multiple services, the fee will apply once for the entire shopping cart.
Apply Per Item
If you apply a fee to a checkout with multiple services, the fee will be applied to each item.
Optionally, toggle Automatically Apply Fee to automatically apply this fee to purchases made in-house and online.
In Fee Will Apply To, choose whether to apply this fee to all items at your business or just certain types.
If you apply fees to memberships or packages, choose whether to Only apply fee to the initial membership/package purchase and not each renewal.
Select Save to create the new fee.
Select Save again on the Taxes & Checkout screen to finish.
If you need to make any changes to your fee, you can easily manage them from the Taxes & Checkout screen.
To edit fee:
Go to
→ → → . -
Scroll down to the Fees section and select a fee.
In the menu, choose to either Edit or Delete the fee:
To make changes, select Edit, update your fee, and then select Save.
To remove the fee, select Delete, then select Delete again to confirm
Select Save on the Taxes & Checkout screen to finish.
Deleting a fee, then creating a fee with the same name will automatically merge the two fees together in the Transaction List report.
To edit a fee:
Go to
→ → . -
Select a fee to edit or delete.
Select the Action
menu for the fee to edit, then select Edit or Delete.
To change a fee, select Edit, update the fee, and then select Save.
To remove a fee, select Delete, then select Delete again to confirm
Select Save on the Taxes & Checkout screen to finish.
Finally, now that you have your fees set up, you can apply fees at checkout.
To apply fees at checkout:
Select Checkout.
Select a customer.
Add a Service, Product, Gift, Package, or Membership to the cart.
Select the Add button by Fee.
Select a fee. Fees will be added to the Shopping Cart. Fees already in the cart will have a checkmark.
Swipe left on the fee, then select the + or - icon to change the quantity.
You can only change fee quantity for fees applied per item, not per cart.
To remove a fee, swipe left on a fee, then select the X icon.
Manually removing a fee will not change any default settings for that fee.
Select Remove to confirm.
Select Done to return to Checkout.
To apply fees at checkout:
Select Checkout.
Select a customer.
Add a Service, Product, Gift, Package, or Membership to the cart.
Manually apply a fee:
Select the Apply a Discount or Fee drop-down menu, then select a fee.
Fees will display under items in the cart.
Optionally,to apply the same fee more than once, modify the Qty field to change the quantity.
You can only add or remove fee quantity for fees applied per item, not per cart.
Delete a fee:
Select the Action
menu, then select Delete.
Select Delete to confirm
You can also select Clear Discount and Fees to remove all fees. This will also remove all discounts applied to the cart.
Keep in mind that manually removing fees will not change any default settings for that fee.
Complete the checkout process.
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