A Personal Task allows you to schedule time off for yourself or your employees. You can disable online booking during this period, which can be repeated daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Creating a personal task dedicates time on your or an employee's calendar for tasks, breaks, holidays, and other upcoming occasions or events. Some employers may require approval for time off if you block customers from booking on your calendar.
Personal tasks scheduled on a calendar may show the following icons :
If the task has a circular arrow
, it is a repeating task.
If the task has the Hand
icon, booking is blocked for this time slot.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses. Requesting and tracking paid time off requires Vagaro Payroll.
You may create a Personal Task to improve time management and organization of your workday by adding activities or reminders to your calendar that are not directly related to appointments or services, preventing double-booking and ensuring a balanced work-life routine.
To schedule a personal task:
On your calendar, select a timeslot, then select Personal Task.
Optionally, enter some details for your task:
Task Name: A name or description of the personal task.
Date: Pre-populated with the timeslot selected. You can change the date of your task.
Time Off: The duration of the task. You can select Entire Day Off to block off the work day.
Block Online Booking: Whether to prevent customers from booking appointments during this timeslot. If your employer requires acceptance for personal tasks, your manager (Report To in your Employee Profile) will receive a notification to Approve or Deny your personal task. The request will be marked as "Pending".
Comments: Reason for the task.
Files: Add files and images to this task.
Select a Task Color.
Select Book. The system will add the task to the calendar.
To schedule a personal task:
On your calendar, select a timeslot, then select Personal Task.
Optionally, enter some details for your task:
Task Name: A name or description of the personal task.
Block Online Booking: Whether to prevent customers from booking appointments during this timeslot. If your employer requires acceptance for personal tasks, your manager (Report To in your Employee Profile) will receive a notification to Approve or Deny your personal task. The request will be marked as "Pending".
Full Day Off: Block off the entire day.
From and To: If you didn't block off the entire day, enter the duration of your personal task.
Add Comment: Reason for the personal task. You can also drop or select a file to be added to the comment.
Select a task color.
Select Book. The system will add the task to the calendar.
Create a recurring personal task to keep regular activities or reminders on your calendar, ensuring you don't forget tasks that need to be completed on a consistent basis and avoid having customers book during those tasks in the future. Recurring personal tasks could include things like weekly meetings, routine personal errands, holidays, or any other recurring responsibilities.
To schedule a personal task:
On your calendar, select a timeslot, then select Personal Task.
Optionally, enter some details for your task:
Task Name: A name or description of the personal task.
Date: Pre-populated with the timeslot selected. You can change the date of your task.
Time Off: The duration of the task. You can select Entire Day Off to block off the work day.
Block Online Booking: Whether to prevent customers from booking appointments during this timeslot. If your employer requires acceptance for personal tasks, your manager (Report To in your Employee Profile) will receive a notification to Approve or Deny your personal task. The request will be marked as "Pending".
Comments: Reason for the task.
Files: Add files and images to this task.
Select Repeat, then choose a repeat frequency:
Daily: enter an End Date or select No End Date.
Repeat Every: How often the task repeats.
End Date: When your task stops repeating.
Days: The days of the week your task will repeat.
No End Date: This task repeats indefinitely.
Day: The day of the month the task will repeat.
End Date: When your task stops repeating.
No End Date: This task repeats indefinitely.
Month: The month and day the task will repeat.
End Date: When your task stops repeating.
No End Date: This task repeats indefinitely.
Select a Task Color.
Select Book. The system will add the task to the calendar.
To schedule a personal task:
On your calendar, select a timeslot, then select Personal Task.
Optionally, enter some details for your task:
Task Name: A name or description of the personal task.
Block Online Booking: Whether to prevent customers from booking appointments during this timeslot. If your employer requires acceptance for personal tasks, your manager (Report To in your Employee Profile) will receive a notification to Approve or Deny your personal task. The request will be marked as "Pending".
Full Day Off: Block off the entire day.
From and To: If you didn't block off the entire day, enter the duration of your personal task.
Add Comment: Reason for the personal task. You can also drop or select a file to be added to the comment.
Choose a Repeat frequency:
Daily: enter an End Date or select No End Date.
Repeat Every: How often the task repeats.
End Date: When your task stops repeating.
Days: The days of the week your task will repeat.
No End Date: This task repeats indefinitely.
Day: The day of the month the task will repeat.
End Date: When your task stops repeating.
No End Date: This task repeats indefinitely.
Month: The month and day the task will repeat.
End Date: When your task stops repeating.
No End Date: This task repeats indefinitely.
Select a task color.
Select Book. The system will add the task to the calendar.
When scheduling or editing a personal task, you can customize its appearance by changing and customizing its colors. You can select one of the preset Color, choose a Custom color using the color picker, or enter the code for a specific color.
Preset Color Options |
Custom Color Picker |
Move the rainbow slider left and right to see different colors in the color spectrum.
Use the square color picker to select a specific color.
Enter a hex code in the HEX if you have a specific color.
Change the R (red), G (green), and B (blue) values to fine-tune the color.
Save the custom color by selecting the Add (+) button at the bottom of the tab under Saved Colors. You can save up to 10 colors. To remove saved colors, select Edit, select the X on the unwanted colors, then select Done.
Make changes as needed to your personal task.
Cancel a personal task at any time if your plans change.
Editing a task allows you to access its history, even if it repeats. Task history can help you review an employee's reasons for scheduling time off or how often they block time off their calendar.
To view changes to a personal task:
Select a task on the calendar, then select Edit.
Optionally, if the task is recurring, choose Edit only this occurrence or Edit the series.
Go to task history or timeline:
On the Phone: In the top-right corner, select the Action
menu, then select History.
On the Web, Tablet, or Pay Desk: Select the Timeline tab.
Your task timeline/history shows the following information:
Appointment Date: Date and time of the task.
Duration: The duration of the task.
Online Booking: If online booking is blocked.
Comment: Any comments added to the task.
Service Provider: Who scheduled the task.
Modified By: Who last edited the task.
Modified Date: The date and time it was modified
Action: Any actions made to the task, like creating or editing it.
Is there a way to customize the Personal Task listings/menu? Thanks for any insight!
Hi Lynn,
Currently, Vagaro does not have that functionality; however, you can add a comment to a personal task.
Once saved, your comment will appear on the personal task.

You can describe the exact personal task you or your team has. I have also submitted this comment as a feature request and let our product team know.
Thank you,
I am also here to make the same statement as Elle Marke. I have clients adding themselves to the wait list on days that I am no open and the calendar shows that I am open on Thanksgiving. It is confusing for customers.
Is the personal task color customization available for the phone and iPad app?
Hi Kasha, yes, this feature is available on the Vagaro Pro app. If you don't see it, you may need to update your app.
Thanks, Jamie
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