IOUs are issued to customers who are unable to pay for a service on the day of the appointment. Once an IOU is created, it is added to a customer's profile and included in all IOU reports so you can collect payment at a later date.
To manage your IOUs, follow the steps below.
Navigate to
→ .This opens the IOU report screen, where you can add new IOUs or manage existing ones to edit, void, or pay them.
Use report filters to find specific IOUs.
Click Noted By and select an employee to filter the report by the employee who created the IOU.
Enter a name in the search box for a faster search. (Default: All)
Click Customer to find a specific customer with an IOU.
Enter a name in the search box for a faster search. (Default: All)
Click Status to filter the report by status. (Default: Outstanding)
Click Run Report.
IOU details on the report include:
IOU creation date
IOU closed date (the date an IOU was paid or voided)
Noted by (the employee who created the IOU)
Closed by (the employee who voided or processed IOU payment)
The customer who was issued the IOU
IOU comments
IOU status
The reason for voiding the IOU
You can export an IOU report to an Excel or PDF file or print a physical copy.
You can sort the information on any column header except Action on the report screen by clicking the column name to toggle the sort direction.
Click Add IOU to create a new IOU.
Select a customer from the drop-down list.
Enter an IOU amount and a comment, then click Save.
The IOU is added to your screen and the customer's profile (on the IOU tab.)
Click the Action menu by the IOU and select Edit.
Make any changes to the IOU comment and click Save.
The IOU now shows the status of Void on the IOU Report and the customer's Profile/IOU page.
Click the Action menu by the IOU and select Void.
Enter a reason for voiding the IOU and click Save.
The IOU now shows the status of Void on the IOU Report and the customer's Profile/IOU page.
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