Booking Percentage Report



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    Brittany Fuller

    Am I correct in thinking this percentage isn't useful for looking at past years, if your schedules have changed since then? Since the computer will think that a given time is full of empty unbooked time, when really you've just changed the stylist's booking hours since them?


    For instance, it says we have 749 unbooked hours during April 2020, when we were closed for the pandemic, and every open time available then was blocked with personal time blocks. When I go back and check, there is lots of empty time - because of stylists whose hours have still changed.

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    Vagaro Support

    Brittany, I'm looking into this to get an answer for you.

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    Vagaro Support

    Here's what I got from some of our support team members: "The percentages will always calculate based on employees' current availability. If there are schedule changes, this could alter the calculated percentages. This report is better suited to monitor recent trends in bookings rather than generate a long-term report tracking data across several years."

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    Lydia Catherine

    Does this booking percentage include blocked time? For instance if my employee blocked off a sick day would it show it as booked because there is something on her schedule?

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    Jamie B

    Hi Lydia,
    Personal tasks are not shown as Time Booked. Personal tasks will only affect Time Available. For example, if an employee has 47.5 hours available per week, and you block off a 7.5-hour personal task during that week, the report will update and show Time Available is 40 hours. 


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    Patrick Thurman

    Yes this report is fairly useless considering it reports false data. Why include the historical booked % if vagaro engineers know it is not accurate. Can this really not be fixed considering it is a report on the dasboard?

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    Vagaro Support

    Hi, Patrick. I'm sorry that this report is not working correctly. I have opened a support ticket for you to have an agent contact you and help troubleshoot the report with you.


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