Run the Cancellation & No-Shows report to view appointments that were denied, cancelled, deleted, or deemed as no-shows during a selected time range, as well as any changes to the appointment over the past 15 days. This report is useful to see which appointments were booked but ultimately were cancelled.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
To run the Cancellations and No-Shows report:
Go to
+ → → . -
At the top of the screen, select the Date Range to report on. The data is automatically updated each time you select a different date range.
Select the Filter
button to set your report's filters, then select Run Report.
Customer: Select one or more customers to include, or select All Customers.
Event: Whether to list cancelled or no-show Appointments and/or Services.
Appointment Status: Select one or more appointment statuses to include.
Business Location: If your business has multiple locations, select the multi-location businesses or all locations in a group you want to review.
Sort By: Select the order in which to show the report's results.
Optionally, select the Action
button to perform the following additional tasks:
Print: Print your report if your device is connected to a printer.
Export PDF or Export Excel: Save the report to a PDF or Excel file.
To run the Cancellations and No-Shows report:
At the top of the screen, select Reports, then in the side menu under the Appointments heading, select Cancellations & No-Shows.
Set the filters for your report:
Date Range: Select the start and end dates of the report, then select Submit.
Customer: Select one or more customers to include, or select All Customers.
Event: Whether to list cancelled or no-show Appointments and/or Services.
Advanced Filters:
Appointment Status: Select one or more appointment statuses to include.
Business Location: If your business has multiple locations, select the multi-location businesses or all locations in a group you want to review.
Select Run Report.
At the bottom of the screen, you can select:
Print: Get a hard copy of the report.
Export: Save the report to an Excel or PDF file (web version only).
The report will show the following information:
Appointment Date: The date when the appointment or class occurred.
Status: The status of the appointment.
Status Changed Date: The date and time when the appointment status was last changed.
Status ChangedBy: The employee who changed the status of the appointment.
Comments: Any comments that were added to the appointment.
Service Provider: The employee who provided the service.
Service Name: The service or class that was booked.
Customer: The name of the customer.
History: Select the link to show the Timeline of all the changes that were made to the appointment over the past 15 days.
1 comment
This info is found under Reports instead of Settings, as listed in the Number 1 task description.
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