The Product Sales Report shows you all the product sales you're processing in Vagaro. You can see the total profit for each product you sell within a date range you set and use various filters to limit the report to the specific sales you want to see.
Navigate to
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Select a date range, one or more employees, and customers from the basic filter options.
Click Advanced Filters for additional filtering options:
If the Multi-Location Reports access level is set to View, you can select one or more business locations to show in the report.
Customer General Tag: Select one or more tags that you have added to customer profiles.
Click Include Past Employees, if you want to include them.
Click Run Report after selecting filters to apply to the report.
You'll be able to view the following about each product on the report:
The brand name (Brand)
The product name (Product)
Product Bundles appear in the list with the gift box icon and a link to view what's in the bundle.
The product's quantity (Quantity)
The business cost (Business Cost)
The price of the sale (Sales Price)
The profit that was gained (Profit)
The profit margin percentage
The number of points the customer redeemed during the purchase of a product
(Points Redeemed)
Click the product bundle link in the report to see a pop-up list of the products in that bundle with the same information as the main report.
Click a link in the Product column to open a detailed report of all product sales, which you can print or export.
Click Export to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet or PDF. Click Print to get a paper copy.
The product bundle detail does not appear in the report's exported or printed copy.
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