Analytics are essential in providing details about the success of your promotional campaigns. They also give you a vital insight into the behaviors and interests of your customers, allowing you to hone in on tactics that strengthen your strategies and lead to more successful campaigns.
To use analytics to see how effective your promotional campaigns are, follow these steps:
Navigate to Discounts or Daily Deals.
→ and click either -
You'll be able to see the discounts/Daily Deals you've announced in the past.
The Date it was announced.
The Daily Deal or Discount name.
The status.
The employee who created the discount/Daily Deal.
The Period (start and expiration date of the discount).
The Revenue or the total amount earned from the discount.
Use the toggle switches in the Active column to make a discount or Daily Deal Active (green) or Inactive.
Options available by clicking the More menu (3 vertical dots) are different on the Daily Deals and DIscounts pages:
Daily Deals page: View, Duplicate, or Archive an active or inactive Daily Deal. (If you view Archived Daily Deals, this menu will have only an Unarchive option.)
Discounts page: Edit, Duplicate, or Delete an active or inactive Discount. (You'll see a pop-up confirmation if you use Delete.)
Searching is slightly different between the Discounts and Daily Deals pages.
On the Discounts page, you can search for any text in the list: date, discount name, created by, period. Enter all or part of the term you want to find and click Search.
For example, we searched for just a lowercase "f" in the sample below, and it found just that letter used in 3 discounts:
On the Daily Deals page, you have the same text search option as the Discounts page and a drop-down menu to choose between Announced and Archived Daily Deals.
To view more specifics about a Discount or Daily Deal, including its analytics and statistics, find the Daily Deal or discount. Then click the link in the status column.
Once you click the Announced option for a Daily Deal, you have two tabs to view: Revenue and Email/Text. The Email/Text tab shows:
Separate totals for the number of email and text messages sent.
The percentage of customers who opened the Daily Deal email.
The percentage of customers who clicked on a link in the email or text.
The total number of bookings from the Daily Deal for email and text.
You can choose between a graphical (Chart) view of the data or a Details view.
If you hover over any status bars in chart view, pop-up messages explain the data on that bar. Click the bar to switch to the Detail view for that status option.
On the detail screen, hover over the status and then the info icon that displays next to the status.
The Revenue tab shows:
Items purchased using the promo.
The number of appointments that were booked as a result of the deal.
The number of discounts used.
The total amount of revenue it generated.
The total number of new customers you received from the promotion.
Two drop-down lists let you select viewing all, online or in-store uses of the promo, and viewing the promo by day, week, month, or year.
Click Export to export the report to Excel or Print to get a paper copy.
There are Details tabs for both revenue and email/text views, showing:
For Revenue
The date of the purchase.
The name of the customer who purchased it.
If this was a new customer.
The item sold.
The amount spent.
For Email/Text
A breakdown of emails/texts processed, delivered, opened, clicked, unsubscribed (the customer chose the unsubscribe option), spam (message marked as spam), and failed (for other reasons) organized into individual tabs.
On each sub-tab, the detail shows the customer's name, email address, cell phone number (if text), date, and status.
Hover over the status and then the info icon to see a pop-up explanation of that status.
View the detail by email, text, or both with drop-down menu selections.
You can also search for text from any of the fields.
Like Daily Deals, you can also see the analytics from the Preset Discounts you create and announce to customers, including the revenue they generate for your business. There are no Email/Text statistics for Preset Discounts.
The look and much of the information in both Chart and Details views for these discounts look the same as for the Daily Deals lists, shown above. Preset Discount details; however, do not have Email/Text information.
Click Discounts from the Things We Sell sidebar menu, and then the link for a promo with an Announced status.
The Details tab shows you:
The sale date.
Customer name.
If the customer was new.
What was sold.
The amount spent.
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