The cash drawer balance keeps track of how much cash is currently in your till at all times. By entering the daily cash drawer opening balance, the system can also calculate how much money you've made so far today. The first employee to go to the Checkout screen each day will be prompted to enter the opening balance before any transactions can be processed. Throughout the day, you can view the balance in the Transaction List summary view at the top of the Transaction List report.
Once the daily balance has been entered, it cannot be changed. The cash drawer amount is reset every day at midnight, so an amount will need to be entered again the next day. For financial accuracy, you can only enter the balance for the current day; it cannot be changed or added for any past or future date.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
The setting to require the starting cash drawer balance each day must be enabled for the first user to be prompted to enter the day's cash amount. If no transactions have yet been processed for the day, the first employee to access the Checkout screen will be prompted to enter the balance after the switch has been turned on.
When the Checkout screen is first accessed for the day by any employee, they will be prompted to enter how much money is currently in the cash drawer.
Once the opening balance has been entered and saved, it cannot be changed. The amount will reset to zero at midnight, and a new amount can be entered at the beginning of the next business day.
To enter the opening balance of the cash drawer:
Go to Checkout.
In the prompt, enter the amount in the cash drawer, then select Save.
To enter the opening balance of the cash drawer:
Go to Checkout.
In the prompt, enter the amount in the cash drawer, then select Save.
The cash drawer balance can be viewed at any time of the day in the Transaction List summary view at the top of the Transaction List report screen. The amounts are automatically updated when transactions are processed.
So, this seems to be a question of concern for quite some time now looking at the dates of the above comments, back 9 yrs.
We need to be able to print an end of the day cash drawer daily balance receipt, to be used to verify the drawer balance at the end of the day. With tips balances separate from product & services balance.
To be able to do this from the checkout screen preferably, without having to go into reports. As we have multiple service providers, cashiers, etc. that I don't need/want to have access to the business financial reports. Just a simple way for the last person closing the Salon to print a daily cash drawer total (not credit cards), count down the register, and drop that in the safe.
As stated above, recording opening and closing cash drawer balances is very important to keep our books balanced. Especially with having multiple employee's handling the cash drawer throughout the day. Being able to do this from the pay desk register,the web or pro app using the receipt printer depending how the business is setup checking customers out. The main thing it's a very simple, saves paper, & time efficient, cause people are closing, and want to get home after working all day.
Just Following up to see if there was ever an option created or even in the works to be able to print a daily register balance receipt.
Every software I've ever used had an end of day closeout system where you enter in your cash for the day and based on how much cash you want left in the til for the following day, it then tells you how much cash is to be deposited to the bank. Is this not an option with Vagaro??
I make all my staff count the till in the morning on a piece of paper at opening. $300. Then at closing, we all count on paper again to see if it matches the cash drawer balance. It’s only off when staff accidentally count a cash transaction as a credit card transaction or if they include cash tip from cash transactions. It’s very manual.
Came here to agree, there should be an option for cash drawer counting to balance cash intake at end of day.
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