Vagaro Markup Editor allows you to draw on photos and SOAP Notes templates (face and whole-body). You can upload a picture of a client's face, for example. Using that image: draw circles and arrows, write text, add highlights and comments, etc. You can add notations to an uploaded photo, the SOAP Notes Face, and SOAP Notes Advanced templates.
Prerequisites: You must have Vagaro Drive to use the Vagaro Markup Editor.
You can access the Vagaro Markup Editor when creating SOAP Notes and on image files that have been saved (using Vagaro Drive) to a customer's profile (appointment, customer, and forms.) Editable file formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif.
When you upload an image file using a form or SOAP Notes, only the markup editor is invoked. When you use the Open option on the customer's Files page (go to Customers, select a customer and then select the Files tab), you'll have a choice of markup or image editor to use. (See [link to image editor article] for more.)
You can also invoke the markup editor for image files on Vagaro Drive, in the Customers area for appointment, customer, and form files, and in the Business area.
To open a file in the Markup editor:
Locate the image file and select the Action menu.
Vagaro Pro
Open the file:
Vagaro Pro
Vagaro Pro opens the image in the markup editor.
The Web version opens a detail screen for the file:
Web Version: Select the Edit icon and then select Markup editor.
The image in the Markup editor looks like this:
Vagaro Pro |
Web |
On the Vagaro Pro app, the center grouping of tools is compressed for space with a More (3 vertical dots) menu to reveal the last three options:
Here are all the notation types you can add to images using the Vagaro Markup editor:
Draw a rectangle on templates or uploaded images
Apply color, line width, and line style to the rectangle
Resize, move, and rotate
Freehand draw/line
Draw a line on templates or uploaded images
Apply color and line width to the freehand line
Resize, move, and rotate
Draw an arrow or straight line on templates or uploaded images
Apply color, line width, and line style to the arrow/line
Apply arrowhead styles (both ends, left or right, none)
Resize, move, and rotate
Text tool
Add text anywhere on templates or uploaded images
Apply color and select font
Resize, move, and rotate
Circle tool
Add a circle to templates or uploaded images
Apply color to the outline
Apply color fill (or no fill)
Apply line width and line style
Apply opacity level to circle (affects both line and fill)
Resize, move, and rotate
Highlighter tool
Add a highlight rectangle to templates or uploaded images
Apply color and opacity level
Resize, move, and rotate
Comment tool
Add a comment box with a pointer to templates or uploaded images
Apply color to text and comment box
Select font for text
Reposition the pointer
Resize, move, and rotate the comment box
Other actions
The selection arrow lets you select to select a previously added notation
select the trash icon to delete the selected notation
The undo arrow steps backward, removing the last change you made
select the checkmark to close the image or template and save your changes
Returns you to the SOAP note screen
select the X to close the image or template and discard your changes
Returns you to the SOAP note screen
Tool selections
Color selector (all except the circle tool)
Line width selector
Line style selector
Arrow type selector
Font selector
Circle tool color selector
Opacity level selector
To move, resize or rotate a notation, select the notation and use the handles to resize, or select in the middle of the notation and drag to reposition. (We're using images from SOAP Notes Face for our examples.)
Here's a sample of each tool used on the SOAP Notes face diagram:
You cannot change the notations entered during your editing session once you save the image. You can invoke the markup editor again and add more notations.
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