Using Access Level settings, business owners can limit their employees' ability to change pricing and enter discounts for products, services, classes, memberships, packages, and gift cards during checkout. An access level setting can also control employees' access to manage discount settings (create new discounts and edit existing ones.)
There are two Access Levels you can use:
Settings > Discounts
Checkout > Customer Checkout
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
The following access levels are used to limit employees' ability to change prices and apply discounts:
The Discounts access level is found under Settings. You can set it to View or Modify. Employees with Modify access can create, edit, and delete discounts, while those with View can only see the page itself and use the Edit function to view details of a particular discount.
Employees with no access level set for Discounts will see a warning page when they go to
→ → :Those with only View access will see a warning when they try to use the Duplicate or Delete functions from the More menu or if they try to change the Active switch.
View access employees can use the Edit function to see the details of a discount but cannot make changes to any settings, and they will see the same warning if they try to save their changes in the edit screen.
The Customer Checkout access level specifies what can do with prices and discounts during checkout. With Modify set to on (green), the Modify Price and Discount settings are displayed for you to set.
You have several checkout areas to select from:
Gift Cards
And can control what employees can do for Price Reductions and Discounts for each area. Choices for each are:
Cannot Modify
Can Modify
Can Modify With Limit
Set these individually as needed. Note that Can Modify With Limit is set only by percentage, though the system will calculate the effect of a change in a dollar amount based on the percentage entered here.
When an employee with this access level set to either Cannot Modify or Can Modify With Limit tries to change the sales price or discount during checkout, they will be required to get the approval of an employee who can modify the price or discount. Here's how that works:
We'll use an employee with the following settings on this access level:
Go to Checkout and select a customer.
Select a service, service provider, and start time to add to the cart.
Change the service price to $60.00, or add a discount of 20% (remember they can only apply a 5% discount from the access settings), and the cart now reflects the change:
For this example, we'll use a cash payment, so enter $60.00 in Cash and select Checkout.
The Approval Required screen pops up.
Select Next.
An employee with Can Modify access can scan their employee QR code or select their icon and sign in.
Once they enter their password and select Approve, the checkout is completed.
This workflow is the same whether the employee has a limit set (percentage) or has the Cannot Modify option set. The approving employee must have either Can Modify or Can Modify With Limit (set for a higher limit than the employee doing the checkout) to approve the transaction.
Preset and Daily Deal discounts are not subject to these limitations. No approval is needed if an employee limited to offering a 5% discount uses a 15% Preset or Daily Deal discount.
However, a Preset discount that employees can only offer with selected Access Levels will kick off the approval process.
Employees whose Access Levels have the Cannot Modify or Can Modify with Limits set under Checkout cannot change the price of a service from the Calendar without approval. Here's the process for changing the price from the Calendar:
Select an upcoming appointment on the Calendar, and then select Edit.
Lower the price (or lower it more than the allowed percentage from the Can Modify with Limits setting).
Select Save.
Select Next in the Approval Required popup.
Select an employee who can approve the price change or have them scan their employee QR code and sign in.
Once they enter their password and select Approve, the price change will be saved.
When creating preset discounts, you can limit employees' ability to offer that discount at checkout by Access Level. Follow these steps.
Go to
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Set your discount with a name, description, and start date/time.
Set the options to allow for this discount.
Set Access Level Required to Offer Discount (In-House Only) to On (green).
Select which access levels will be allowed to offer the discount.
Finish creating your discount, and then select Save.
To apply a limited discount at checkout for employees who do not have the access level needed:
After adding an item to which the discount can apply, select the Apply a Discount drop-down list and select the discount.
You'll see the discount applied:
Set up your payment method and select Checkout. The Approval Required screen displays.
Select Next.
Select the approving manager or employee or have them scan their employee QR code.
The approving manager enters their password, and then selects Approve to complete the checkout.
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