Packages allow you to sell future visits and sessions in bulk. You can also set different auto-renew options, charging the client weekly, every four weeks, monthly, every two months, quarterly, yearly, or after a set number of visits have been used. When creating and designing packages, you can do the following:
Customize a package to fit your business needs
Add one type of class or service to a package
Combine different classes or services into one package
Offer a set series of visits or unlimited visits
Set your auto-renew charge frequency, charging customers weekly, every four weeks, monthly, every two months, quarterly, yearly, or after a set number of completed visits
Once a package is created, you can sell it from the Checkout screen. You also can sell it on, your booking page, your Instagram page, your Facebook account, and your personal website or blog via the Vagaro booking widget.
When you manage customer packages from either the Reports/Packages or Customer Profile/Packages screens, changes you make affect ONLY that customer's use of the package. Changes made on the Settings/Packages page potentially affect all customers using that package, depending on how the business implements a change.
The options to edit or manage a customer's package are the same once you get to the Reports/Packages or Customer Profile/Packages pages, so let's first navigate to the page you want.
This article covers the following subjects:
Click Reports, then Packages under Customers.
Configure Search and Filtering options or run the report with the default settings.
Search Options:
Fields: Any, User, Expired, Service/Class, No. of Visit(s) Equal To
Search Value: enter text or numbers
Status: All Packages, Outstanding, Redeemed, Inactive, Expired
Advanced Filters:
Auto Renew: Any, Yes, No
Renewal On: select from the choices of renewal period
Renewal Status: Any, Active, Paused, Cancelled
Click Run Report.
Information on the Packages Report is presented in the following columns. Click the arrow at the top of the column list to scroll right or left for more data.
Purchase Date, Customer, Init. Amt, Balance, No of Visit(s) Remaining, Exp. On, State, Cancelled Reason, Renewal On, Renewal Status, Next Payment Date, Auto Renewal Limit, Modified Date, Modified By
A circular arrow under the package name indicates a package that auto-renews.
Click the Action drop-down menu for editing options.
Depending on the type and status of the package, you'll see some or all of these options:
Edit Package
Edit Balance
Pause Auto Renew (if active)
Resume Auto Renew (if paused)
Cancel Package
Click the Customers tab, select a customer from the drop-down list (or begin to type a customer name to find), and then click Packages from the tabs on the customer profile page.
Information on the Customer Profile / Packages page is organized into the following columns:
Package, Starting Balance, Current Balance, Expires On, Renewal On, Next Payment Date, Auto Renewal Limit, Status
Access the "more actions" menu by clicking the 3 vertical dots in the last column.
Click the More (3-dots) menu for editing options.
Depending on the type and status of the package, you'll see some or all of these options:
Edit Package
Edit Balance
Pause Auto Renew (if active)
Resume Auto Renew (if paused)
Cancel Package
You can make changes to the following settings for a customer's package from the Edit Package screen.
Edit Package is not an option for packages that are Paused.
Change Will Affect: Current package or Next Renewal
Service/Class: Click the View Services/Classes link to open the Edit Balance screen, where you can change the package price and visits remaining for this customer
You can view the current # of Visits, Amount, and Customer Name
Click the Edit Balance link to get to the same screen as under Service/Class
Turn Auto-Renew on or off using the toggle
Charge Frequency: Select from a range of renewal period options
Auto Renew Limit: Set to a number of renewals after which the package cannot be renewed again, or set to UnlimitedIf Charge Frequency is set for anything other than No. of Visits, you'll be asked to set these options as well:
Payment Date: Change the date the next renewal payment is due
Carry Balance Forward: Check this box to carry the remaining visits from the current cycle to the next
Discount Initial Payments: This option is only available when Auto Renew is turned on. If selected, you can specify a discount as either a dollar amount or percentage (of the package cost) and a number of Billing Cycles for which to apply the discount (including Unlimited)
Package Has an Expiration Date: This option is only available when Auto Renew is turned off. If selected, you can set an expiration date for the package; a date by which all package visits must be used. Never is an option.
Depending on where you open an Edit Balance screen from, you will have options to edit the Remaining Visits and the Price of the package.
When you use Edit Balance from the Action or More menus or for packages with a single service, you can only edit the number of visits remaining.
When you use Edit Balance or View Services/Classes from the Edit Package screen, you can adjust both price and visits for the package (except for packages with a single service.)
If you raise the price of a package for a customer, you'll be presented with the Credit Card on File pop-up screen for payment of the additional amount
If you lower the price, you'll be asked to refund the price difference
For packages set to auto-renew, you can pause this feature from the Action or More menus. For complete information on using Pause and Resume for Auto-Renew, please see Packages: Pause and Resume Renewal.
Packages that are set for Auto-Renew are indicated in the Packages Report and the Customer Profile Packages tab with a circular arrow.
Packages Report |
Customer Profile - Packages |
Cancelling a package makes the services or classes included unavailable to the customer. They are no longer charged for renewals, and the package is not available to use at checkout for a service that was included.
Cancelling a package cannot be undone. You'll have to sell a new package if the customer changes their mind about cancelling.
Cancelling a package does not automatically refund the cost to the customer. To do that, you must run a Transaction List report, locate the package to refund, and select Refund from the Action menu. See Refund a Package for detail.
You can view a summary of all transactions for a package by selecting History from the Action or More menus. For details, see Package History.
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