When a contractor's project is completed or the contract term is completed, you can remove them from your payroll in either the Payroll Configuration or Employee Profiles screen. You will run a final payroll for the contractor to pay them before they are removed, after which you can then delete the contractor's employee profile to remove a Vagaro license and reduce your monthly subscription.
To rehire a contractor, you must add them again as a new contractor, and they must sign another W-9 form.
Similarly, employees who switch to a contractor roll must also be terminated and rehired by added as a contractor and must sign Form W-9 for your records.
After you remove contractor from your payroll, you can reduce your number of Vagaro licenses by deleting their Employee Profile.
Prerequisites: This feature requires Vagaro Payroll and is available only to businesses in the US on the web, tablet, and Pay Desk.
To terminate or remove a contractor on your payroll:
On the web, tablet, or Pay Desk, go to
→ → . -
Scroll down the screen to the Payroll tab.
On the Payroll tab, select the Action button in the row of the contractor to remove, select Remove From Payroll.
In the Remove Contractor From Payroll popup, select Next.
Verify the final paycheck for the contractor. If you need to edit any of the amounts, select the Action menu at the end of the contractor's row, select Edit Payroll to update the amounts, then select Save.
Select Submit.
In the Review and Submit Payroll screen, verify that the payroll amounts are correct, then select Submit. The Payroll Submitted screen confirms that the amount will be paid to the contractor .
If the contractor has appointments booked in the future, select whether to Delete Calendar for the contractor:
Yes, Delete Calendar: Transfer the contractor's future appointments to another service provider. Also select whether toe Delete and Re-Assign Employee Calendar or just Delete Calendar. The changes to the calendars will not take effect until after the contractor's last day of employment.
No, Don't Delete Calendar: The contractor's calendar and appointments will remain as is, but there will be no service provider to perform future appointments.
Select Confirm. The contractor's name is removed from your payroll.
The employee's final paystub is also automatically downloaded to your device.
Select Save to update the list of employees on your payroll.
To reduce your number of Vagaro licenses, you can delete the contractor's Employee Profile.
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