Make announcements to customers on your MySite with the Announcement Bar. The Announcement Bar displays on all of your web pages and can be used to direct customers to another website, a new webpage on your site, a new Daily Deal, and more.
Prerequisites: This feature requires a MySite subscription and the web, tablet, or Pay Desk version of Vagaro. To set up your first website, see Getting Started with Vagaro MySite.
To set up your Announcement bar:
Go to your MySite by selecting the Marketing tab on Vagaro, then select View Site.
In the left design panel, select the Settings
Select Announcement Bar. Your Announcement bar will appear at the top of your MySite Editor, and its settings will be on the screen's right side.
Under Enable Announcement Bar, select On.
Under Text, enter a message to be displayed on your announcement. To add an emoji to your message, select the Emoji
Next to Clickthrough Link, select the URL list to choose how your Announcement Bar functions:
URL: Direct customers to a link outside your website, like a blog post, social media page, or booking widget.
Page: Direct customers to a page on your website. The Select Page option will display for you to select a page.
Daily Deal: Allow customers to book one of your Daily Deal promotions in your Announcement bar. Select one of your Daily Deals in the list.
Promo Code: Share a promo code for one of your discount promotions. Select a Promo Code in the list.
Email: Allow customers to send your business an email by selecting the announcement. Enter your email address below Clickthrough Link.
Phone: Allow customers to call your business by selecting the announcement. Enter your phone number below Clickthrough Link.
Customize your Announcement bar:
Text Style: Choose a paragraph style from your preset site stylings.
Background Color: Set a background color for your Announcement bar. Choose a new color or select from your color palette.
Text Color: Set the text color for your announcement bar. Choose a new color or select from your color palette.
Preview and publish the changes to your MySite:
To Preview: In the top-right corner, open the Publish menu, then select Preview.
To Publish: In the same Publish menu, select Publish.
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