Pay an Invoice - for Customers of a Vagaro Business



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    Kaitlyn Riley


    My client is receiving "account not found" error code (3-58-78) when trying to pay an invoice.

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    Jamie B

    Hi Kaitlyn,

    The error code you are seeing is for the customer's credit card/bank. The card was declined. Please ask the customer to use another card or payment method.

    Thanks, Jamie

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    I created a customer account for my husband using his cell and email info. For some reason, on his profile, it says the card we put on file, however, when I go on my end as a business to select his card to pay, it says no card on file.

    Also, when he is logged into his account, he will press pay invoice but then a new page shows up and is blank. Trying to make sure that if I have clients add a card to their account, it will let them pay an invoice or I can select their card and automatically charge them.

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    Jamie B

    Hi Kellie. I created a ticket so an agent can troubleshoot with you. They should be contacting you soon.

    I appreciate your patience.


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