A review allows you to provide feedback to a Vagaro business about its services. To learn how to write a review, follow the steps below.
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Tap Appointments.
Select the Past tab.
Find the business you visited. Then tap Write a Review.
Select the rating for each category. Five stars represent the best rating.
Enter a review for the business and service provider. Tap Post Review when you're finished.
You can add up to three photos to the review to show off your new look or results.
If you see the message below, this means that the business has limited its reviews to Verified Customers (clients who have been marked as Showed or Checked Out for the service).
You'll also see this message if you're not signed into the Vagaro customer account that's connected to the business you're trying to review.
Select the Past tab.
Find the business you visited. Then click Write a Review.
You can provide an Overall Review rating. You can also rate the Punctuality, Value, and Service. A five-star rating is the best rating.
Next, enter a review of the service provider and business.
You can add up to three photos to show the results of your appointment or new look.
To share the review on Facebook , select On.
Click Post Review to finish.
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