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Set or Change Your Business Type



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    Keisha Lindsay

    I'm a stylist but it say sports training under my business type. How do I remove that

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    Miranda B

    Hi Keisha,

    If any of the services or classes on your service/class menu include any of these key phrases "baseball, football, hockey, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, ice skating, field hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, cheerleading, track & field, wrestling, fencing, boxing, tennis, golf" you will need to rename the services or classes that contain these key phrases or remove the items from your service/class menu entirely.

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    Lynn Costello

    While trying to get everything set up, I noticed my business type also lists piercing. None of my service names or descriptions include the words Pierce, Earring, or Piercing. I do however have a service listed as “waxing - ears,” so perhaps that is what’s triggering it. How can I list the service using the word Ears without my business type including piercing?

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    Miranda B

    Hi Lynn,

    Please reach out to our Support Team so they can look into this further with you and help you get this resolved. You can reach them at sales.vagaro.com/contact by phone, email, or live chat!

    Thank you!

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    Hannah Heilman

    I'd prefer to be able to select the correct "types" myself. Is there a reason it's automatically determined instead of us picking the correct types?

    For example, we are a curly hair salon. So of course we work with natural hair and do offer some twist services. But the "type" vagaro chooses for this is 'Locs and Natural Hair.' We do not do locs as our focus is on one's natural texture and embracing it. But this confuses clients and makes it look like we do. They don't understand that we have no control over those which makes us look bad. 

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    Ginger Leigh

    This really is not a good way to do this. We are a burlesque dance studio listed as skin care because we offer a workshop called Stocking Peel Basics. The word "peel" puts us in the skin care category. The word "peel" is frequently used in but burlesque. I get that we are niche, but why not let businesses select their own business type?

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    Donna J

    Ginger, I think if you contact support.vagaro.com they may be able to change the business type for you.

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    Lindajo PallottoRusso

    Vagaro does not work for private concierge nursing. I am so bummed. Not one nursing key word. Only spa or massage which I am not. 

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    Crystal Norton

    Hi - I have a medical spa but my business type is listed as "Threading". I do have the worde thread listed in my services as PDO thread lifts which is a medical procedure and very different from threading for eyebrows. I also have listed botox, filler & injections listed in my services as well. Why did your algorithm choose threading over medical spa since more service titles would have triggered "medical spa" than the one word that triggered "threading". How do I change the business type to be appropriate to the services I provide?

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    Donna J

    From the article above: "If your business shows up under an incorrect business type, then you will need to remove the key phrases for that business type from your service titles. For example, if your salon shows a business type of cryotherapy, you would need to remove the phrases cryo, freezing, or cryotherapy from all your service names."

    I think this happened because the word "thread" is used more times than any other single word in your services listing. I understand that you might not be able to remove it entirely. Could you take it out of the individual services and leave it on the group? If not, please contact Vagaro Support directly to get more help.

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    Crystal Norton

    Great idea, I will try taking it out of the individual services and see if that works. Will the change show up immediately if it is going to work?

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    Donna J

    I'm not sure, Crystal. I do see that you've removed "thread" from your services list but that the bus type still lists "threading." I'm checking with my folks and will get back to you.

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    Crystal Norton

    Thank you Donna. Let me know what else can be done to get my business accurately categorized as a medical spa not an eyebrow grooming business. 

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    Donna J

    Hello again, Crystal: Here's what I've found out for you..

    • The change to the business type should be immediate
    • You still have "Collagen Threads (Per Area)" in your services - so, sorry, Threading appears
    • The entry for "Non Surgical Face Lift - Fox Brow/Brow Lift" is causing "Brow Bar" to appear

    Evidently, there is no specific ordering for the business types (so Brow Bar and Threading are coming in first on the list,) but we will see if we can get an enhancement to use the type with the highest occurring bus. type first in the list. That won't come quickly, however.

    There's probably not much more I can do or tell you. If you make changes to remove "thread" and "brow" entirely and it doesn't update the bus. type, let us know. Thanks for your patience!

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    Crystal Norton

    This is a glaring issue. Is it possible to put in a feature request for a solution? I can't just magically make up new terms for standard services in the med spa industry that clients will recognize and understand for booking.

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    Donna J

    You can put in a feature request - go to the top of the support page and click New Feature Request to get there. I understand your issue, but there's nothing more that I can do. I'll reach out to the team that does the business type stuff... maybe they can add more to the "Medical Spa" category... I don't know.

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    Brandi Browning

    We don't see any of these words on our services/descriptions, however, we have been generated to offer Holistic Therapy. We don't have anything even similar to this.

    Holistic Therapy

    holistic, cupping, aromatherapy, reiki, chakra, energy healing, crystal healing, sound bath, biofeedback, healing room, reading, toe reading, tarot

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    Donna J

    Hi Brandi... I asked about this and got it fixed for you. Please check both your businesses to see that it's correct now. Sorry for the inconvenience!



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