Eliminate your bookkeeping and payroll issues and spend less time on money management, time card calculations, and processing employee pay with Vagaro's integration with Gusto!
Prerequisites: Available for businesses in the US only.
Get real-time payroll reports
Centralize and track payments, invoices, employee hours, and payroll
Boost productivity by freeing up valuable time
Automate key administrative functions in bookkeeping and payroll
Avoid costly manual errors with automation
Seamlessly sync hours and earnings
Ease the employee onboarding process with Gusto's streamlined onboarding platform
Take advantage of flexible payroll options
Sync any type of pay structure
Automatically calculate and deduct tax withholding
For more about Gusto, you can:
Close payroll in Vagaro and Gusto.
Contact Gusto's support team for assistance setting up an account at (800) 936-0383.
Get assistance with troubleshooting your Vagaro and Gusto integration.
Navigate to
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Find the Gusto option. Then click Learn More.
Click Try Gusto - 3 Months Free or Connect Gusto Account (if you have a Gusto account.)
Create new: Provide information for creating a new Gusto account, click Create Account, and then verify your email with the message that Gusto sends to you.
Connect account: Sign in to Gusto with your credentials. Authorize the connection between Vagaro and Gusto.
Once you've set up your integration with Gusto, access it from Vagaro by clicking the button.
All your current employees will appear on the main Gusto Integration page of the Vagaro account. Find an employee on the list and click Change or Select Action.
If an employee is already connected in Gusto, clicking the Change hyperlink wipes that connection and you must re-establish it.
Click Select Action. Then select Add as Gusto employee to add the employee to your payroll in Gusto.
Select Link to existing Gusto employee to connect the Vagaro employee to their existing Gusto employee account.
Click Do not add to Gusto if you do not want to add the employee to your payroll in Gusto.
If you choose not to add the employee to Gusto, payroll data for this employee will not be synced to Gusto.
If you selected Link to existing Gusto employee in the previous step, you'll see all the employees who currently have a Gusto employee account.
The icon indicates that an employee’s Gusto onboarding has not been completed. Onboarding must be completed in order for their payroll data to be synced from Vagaro to Gusto, and for them to be paid.
Select the Gusto employee account to link to. Then click Save.
Finish linking employees in Vagaro to Gusto. Then click Save.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen once you click Save.
Log into your Gusto account to finish the payroll setup.
Click here to learn more about setting up your payroll in Gusto for the first time.
The following steps will assist you with getting your Vagaro and Gusto integration running properly. First, for the sync to work, make sure that your Payroll settings match in Vagaro and Gusto. This includes Payroll frequency, Day of the Week, and Payroll closing date. To check your Payroll settings in Vagaro, go to the Payroll Configuration page.
Click Reports and then click Payroll Configuration.
On the Payroll Configuration page, verify that Payroll Frequency, Day of the Week, and Payroll Ending Day are all correct.
After verifying in Vagaro, verify it in Gusto.
You can do this from the Company Details page.
On the Company Details page, select the Edit button next to Pay Schedule.
From the small window, select the same Pay Period, Day of the Week, and Payroll Ending Day that you have in Vagaro.
You must also select the First Pay Day on New Schedule and select on which dates the work was done to be included in this pay period.
If the information matches, your sync issues should resolve on their own. If your Payroll ends on a Saturday or Sunday, this will not align with the settings in Gusto. Gusto doesn't offer Saturday or Sunday paydays because most banks do not process payments over the weekend.
If you already have your Payroll end date in Vagaro set to Saturday or Sunday, you can manually sync your Payroll settings.
In Gusto, select the same Payroll Frequency you selected in Vagaro. For Day of the week, select Monday.
Select Other on the For Work Done drop-down list, and then select the Payroll Ending Date that you have entered in Vagaro.
Click Save.
When you go back to Vagaro, the error message should have cleared. Make sure that your employees have their profiles completely set up in Gusto as well so that your Payroll will be processed and you can pay all of your employees on time.
See the Reports and Dashboard / Employee Reports section for information about Payroll: configuration, running and closing out payroll, payroll for past employees, payroll history, and more.
After integrating Gusto do we still pay them? And pay Vagaro?
Hi, there. After you integrate Gusto, you will be billed only by Vagaro.
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