Packages allow you to sell future visits and sessions in bulk. You can also set different auto-renew options, charging the client weekly, every four weeks, monthly, every two months, quarterly, yearly, or after a set number of visits are completed.
You can turn on the Carry Balance Forward feature when creating or editing a package. This allows the customer to carry over visits from one billing cycle to the next. For example, if a customer has three visits remaining from a Weekly package, they can carry them over to the next week if this feature is turned on.
Navigate to
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If you're creating a new package, click New Package.
Or, to edit an existing package, open the More menu (3 vertical dots) next to the Status column for a package on the list.
If Auto Renew was configured when the package was created, you cannot make changes to it here. You can set different Auto Renew options for customers buying a package during Checkout.
Toggle the Auto Renew switch on.
Click the drop-down menu for Charge Frequency and set it to any frequency other than No of Visits Completed.
Once you choose the frequency, select Carry Balance Forward. This allows the customer to carry over the remaining visits from one billing cycle to the next.
Click Save when you're done creating or editing the package.
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