To search for available appointments and classes at your business on the Web Version of Vagaro, follow these steps.
Appointments (next)
Go to the Calendar page.
Select the Search icon, then select Search for New Appointment.
If your business doesn't offer classes, clicking the search icon will open directly into the Search for New Appointment screen.
Select the customer.
You can select New to create a new customer, Edit to edit a customer profile, or History to see a customer's appointment history.
You can add up to six services by clicking the +Add Service button, selecting another service, and employees to search.
Select the service to search for, then use the Employee drop-down menu to select one or more employees to include in the search. Select a date and click Search.
Use checkboxes to select individual employees. Select All, or the default of Any Employee, which looks at all employees who provide the selected service.
The search result shows which employees have available appointments for the selected service on the selected date. Select a time to book by clicking the button with the time on it.
If there are no available appointments on the selected date, a pop-up warning shows you the next date with available appointments.
On the Confirm Appointment pop-up screen, you can add an appointment note and make changes to the appointment.
If you have Track Customer Retention turned on in the Calendar Configuration, select an appointment type from the drop-down menu.
Select Charge Deposit or Book (if no deposit) to add the appointment.
The appointment displays on the calendar.
Go to the Calendar page.
Select the Search icon and select Search for New Class.
Search results default to the current week and show all classes offered by all instructors, both In-House and Live Streaming.
You can select a customer from the list or create a new customer. If you choose an existing customer, you can Edit their profile or view their class history
Look for different dates by clicking the weeks on the screen
Select a specific class from the Any Class list
Select a specific instructor from the Any Instructor list (use checkboxes to select more than one instructor)
Have the search show both In-House and Live Stream classes or select either from the list
When you find the class and date you want, click Sign Up.
Edit the Book Class screen as needed, click Add Attendee or Add Attendee and Checkout when you're done.
Why can't we search without the customer's name? If I have a new client on the phone looking for a specific service I can't do a search in the web version without selecting a customer, however, if I wanted to go to the Vagaro public-facing website I can search by service without a customer. I think this should be allowed to search in the web version without a name in case you can't find an appointment that fits their needs and you won't need to ask them for the info to add them as a customer just to search.
Hi John,
We appreciate the feedback! I sent this comment over to our product team as a feature request. In the meantime, you could create a dummy customer profile for scenarios like this. For example, create a "New Customer" profile, and use that profile to search for appointments. If the customer decides to book the service/class, you can change out the dummy profile with an existing/new customer profile.
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