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Customer List Report: Search & Filter Options



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    Britany Caudell

    Is there a way to only do a specific year? I am only able to do the lifetime of each client as far as I can see.
    But some clients are bigger spenders having only been to me a few times. I’d like to be able to track this as well

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    Donna J


    You can use Advanced Filters for two date range fields: Customer Since, and Last Visit. In those options, you'll see the calendar selection options that let you specify a specific date range or options such as "This Year" and "Last Year." Without any other filtering options selected, you would get a list of customers who have had visits in the last year, for example. Or you can use a longer range of years, or specific years (January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000).

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    Britany Caudell

    That gives you their spending for their entire account. So someone how’s been with me for 3 years comes to the top, even if they only get haircuts. I want to track just money spent in this year.

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    Donna J

    Have you tried the Transaction List Report? You can select individual customers and the advanced filter options give you many options, including  appointment date range and transaction type (like services, classes, products, and more.)

    When you go to Reports, it's the first in the list under Sales.

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    Amanda Cranfill

    I want to reward my top 10 clients of this year.  I'm finding it pretty difficult to find the ten people who have spent the most amount of money in my salon this year.  I can find the ten who have spend the most since I've been open, or I can manually calculate how much people have spent this year and order them.  If anyone knows of an easier way, please tell me.  TY

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    Donna J

    Hi Amanda... I've JUST been working with the Customers List filters, so your question comes at a good moment! You can combine search and filtering elements to get what you need so here's my suggestion:

    1. Open "Advanced Filters" on the report.
    2. Click in the "Last Visit" filter and select or enter a date range. (I used "This Year" because I have limited data to work with.)
    3. Next fill in a range of amounts in the From and To fields for "Amount Paid".
    4. Click "Run Report."
    5. On the report, select "Amount Paid" in the "Sort By" selection box.
    6. Change the sort order by clicking the A-Z / Z-A box (I had to click it a couple of times until I got what I needed - the largest $ amount at the top of the list.)


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    Britany Caudell

    Donna. This doesn’t work. It pulls the clients full history. I have a client who has been dead for a months that still comes up and I’m positive other clients have paid more than her this year.

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    Donna J

    I'm creating a ticket from the original request AND this one, then, because I'm not sure what's going on. Sorry!

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    Britany Caudell

    Thank you!! It’s because you’re choosing people who you’ve seen this year, but it’s not removing the services done outside of this year. So it shows their entire lifetime of spending. Which skews the results.
    Thank you for working on this 💕


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