The Discount screen is also a report that is used to track the success of your discounts and promo codes you've created. By drilling into a discount's details, you can also see which customers used your discount, the appointments it was applied to, and how much money customers spent and saved with it.
The Discount screen is unavailable on the phone. Instead, filter the Transaction List report to show only discounted transactions.
Prerequisites: This feature is only available for all businesses on the web, tablet, PayPro, and Pay Desk; at least one or more discounts must already be created.
On the web, tablet, Pay Desk, or PayPro, the Discount report screen shows you when your discounts when were announced and how much revenue they've brought into your business. This report also shows you how many items were purchased by customers using the discount, the number of appointments booked, how many times the discount was used, the total revenue, and how many new customers you gained.
In Chart View, your customers' usage is shown in a line graph, while your revenue is shown in a bar graph. Hover over a point on the chart to see how many customers used the discount for that period. Above the report, you can see the total number of items that customers purchased, how many appointments were booked, how many times the discount was used, the total revenue earned using the discount, and how many new customers you gained.
In Details View, the customers who used your discount are listed in a table, including the date, their name, whether they're a new customer, what they purchased, and how much they each spent.
To view your customers' usage of a discount in the Discounts screen:
Go to
→ → . -
Optionally, filter your discounts in the Search bar at the top of the screen, enter the day of the month or year the discount was created or active, or all or part of the discount's name or the employee who created it, then select Search.
In the row of the discount, select the blue "Announced" link to open the discount's report screen.
In the discount's report screen, you can also:
Select the Month list to show the number of new and returning customers by Year, Week, Month, or Day.
Switch between Chart View and Grid View by selecting the tabs above the legend on the top-right corner of the screen.
Sort the appointments by selecting the column headers at the top of the list.
At the bottom of the screen, you can select:
Print: Get a hard copy of the report.
Export: Save the report to an Excel or PDF file (web version only).
The following information is shown on the Discounts screen for each use of the discount:
Date: The date when the discount was created in Vagaro.
Discount Name: The name or a description of the discount.
Status: The date when the discount was announced to customers. Select the blue link to see the details about your customers' usage of the discount.
Created By: The name of the employee who created the discount.
Period: The starting date, and optionally the end date if it was specified, when customers can use the discount.
Revenue: The amount of money that has been earned by customers using the discount.
Active: Whether customers are able to use the discount.
Your customers' use of your discounts can also be viewed by filtering the Transaction List report to show only transactions that used a discount.
On a phone, transactions with discounts can be viewed only in the Transaction List report.
Discounts in this report are shown in two ways:
If the transaction included a discount code, the Discount amount is shown in brackets in blue text. Select the text to view the name of the discount and its code.
If the transaction included a manually keyed discount (without a code), the Discount amount is shown in brackets in black text.
To filter the Transaction List report to view only discounted transactions:
Go to
→ → → . The system automatically runs the report for today's transactions. -
At the top of the screen, select the Date Range of the time card entries to view.
Select the Filters
button, scroll down to the Discount filter, select one or more discounts, then select Run Report.
Select the discount transaction to view its discount and other transaction details.
To filter the Transaction List report to view only discounted transactions:
Go to
→ → . The system automatically runs the report for today's transactions. -
At the top of the screen, expand Advanced Filters, then select the Discounts in the list you want to view transactions for.
Select Run Report.
Scroll right to the Disc column. If a discount was used for the transaction, the amount shown will be a blue link. If the discount shown is black, the discount was manually applied at checkout.
If you selected more than one discount to filter by, hover over the blue text to view the code that was used for the discount.
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