As the business owner and administrator of your Vagaro account, you can create and set up access level permissions for each of your employee types. These settings can be customized to allow your employees to view and change only the screens, features, and other settings that you want them to. Remember the owner of the account always has full access.
For your convenience, five default access levels were already created for you when you first set up Vagaro. These permission groupings were provided so you can quickly get started with assigning these settings to your employees as needed for your business's various job responsibilities. Feel free to change the names and settings for each access level or create your own to control what your employees can see and do in Vagaro.
Admin: A user account intended for administrative purposes to set up and manage Vagaro. This access level should have full or almost all View and Modify permissions to all screens and features. For security purposes, this access level should be limited to a few or highly trusted employees.
Manager/Supervisor: A user who other employees report to for decision-making and assignments. A business owner may require a manager or supervisor to be assigned to a user for a business organization and to manage time off for employees.
Service Provider Commission: An employee who earns commissions based on how many services they perform or classes they run for customers.
Service Provider Self-Employed: A service provider who conducts their own business at a location.
Employee: A user who works for the business who isn't a service provider, such as an accountant, receptionist, and other administrative staff. Additional access levels may need to be created to grant or restrict access to different screens, tasks, and features.
There is no access level for the business owner account. This user will always have View and Modify access to all permissions for every screen in Vagaro. We recommend assigning users to the Admin access level to log into Vagaro when everyone's settings need to be changed.
Prerequisites: This feature is available for all Vagaro businesses.
To create and set up a new access level:
Go to Access Levels:
On a Phone: Go to → → .
On the Web, Tablet, Pay Desk, or PayPro: Go to → → .
Enter a name for the New Access Level and an Access Level Description,
Optionally, if you already know which employees will be assigned to this access level, select Add New Employee and select their names. You can also assign employees after the access level has been created.
Select whether this access level is Active and can be assigned to employees.
Scroll through all the available settings and make selections for this access level. The choices for each level are:
View means the employee can access and view a specific feature in your account. However, they can't make changes. When selected, the View option is green.
Modify means they can access and edit that setting in your account. When selected, the Modify option is green.
A toggle switch is used to turn an option on (green) or off (white).
Select Save.
Because this process may be time-consuming, select Save often so you don't lose any permissions you've already chosen.
Access levels can be changed if you want to add or remove a screen or permission, deactivate the access level, add employees to the access level, or remove employees from the access level.
To modify an access level:
Go to Access Levels:
On a Phone: Go to → → .
On the Web, Tablet, Pay Desk, or PayPro: Go to → → .
In the list of Access Levels, select the More
button for the access level to be modified, and then select Edit.
Make changes to the access level:
Update the Access Level Name and Access Level Description,
Add or remove any employees from this Access Level. The number of employees already assigned is shown in blue. If there are no employees assigned, select Add New Employee and select their names. (You can also select Add Employees after you have modified an access level.
If this access level will no longer be used, toggle off Active.
Scroll through all the available settings and make selections for this access level. The choices for each level are:
View means the employee can access and view a specific feature in your account. However, they can't make changes. When selected, the View option is green.
Modify means they can access and edit that setting in your account. When selected, the Modify option is green.
A toggle switch is used to turn an option on (green) or off (white).
Select Save.
Because this process may be time-consuming, select Save often so you don't lose any permissions you've already chosen.
Access level permissions are enabled by toggling on the permission to View or Modify a feature or setting.
These permissions control what employees can view, add, and modify on the Calendar screen.
Calendar Configuration Management
View: Employees can view calendar display settings in Calendar Configuration.
Modify: Employees can also change and save calendar configuration settings.
Control Own Calendar
This permission has no effect on Account Admins without a calendar.
View: Employees can view their own calendar but cannot make any changes.
Modify: Employees can add, edit, and change the status of their own appointments. It is not possible to restrict employees to only adding or editing appointments.
Control Other Employee Calendars Specific employees cannot be restricted from viewing or modifying others' calendars.
View: Employees can view all other employees’ calendars but cannot make any changes.
Modify: Employees can add, edit, and change the status of all other employees’ appointments.
Accept Own Appointments
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can accept pending appointment requests for themselves.
Accept Other Employee Appointments
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can accept pending appointment requests for other employees.
Accept Appointment Requests and Waitlist
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can view, accept, and deny their own waitlisted customers. Waitlisted customers who didn't select a service provider can be booked with any employee.
Accept Other Employee Appointment Requests and Waitlist
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can view, accept, and deny waitlisted customers for other employees. Waitlisted customers who didn't select a service provider can be booked by the employee who is logged in.
Require Acceptance for Personal Tasks
Disable: Employees can freely add personal tasks that block online booking.
Enable: Any personal tasks that block online booking that employees add to their calendar must be approved by their manager (employees who are selected as Report To in an employee's profile).
Some of these settings may require other Checkout permissions to also be enabled.
Ability to undo checkout of appointment: Employees also require Modify access to their own or other employees’ calendars to perform this function.
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can undo checkout of completed appointments. Undo checkout is only possible for services paid by cash, check, or gift certificate. Class and product sales or appointments paid by credit card cannot be undone.
Customer Checkout
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can process checkout of clients. If enabled, additional options will be shown for price changes, discounts, taxes, and fees.
Modify Price and Discount Employees can adjust prices or input discounts at checkout. However, depending on the set limitations, manager approval may be required when completing checkout to allow exceptions for clients on a case-by-case basis.
Cannot Modify: Employees cannot change or discount without manager approval.
Can Modify: Employees can change or discount prices without limits or approval.
Can Modify with Limit: Employees can make adjustments within a set percentage. Any adjustments above the percentage will require manager approval.
Taxes: Modify access for Customer Checkout to display these permissions.
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can remove or reapply taxes during in-house checkout.
Fees: Fee settings can be configured freely to allow employees to remove fees, add fees, both, or neither during checkout. Modify access is required for Customer Checkout to display these permissions.
Remove: Employees can remove fees during in-house checkout.
Add: Employees can add fees during in-house checkout.
Credit Card Processing: United States | Canada | United Kingdom | Australia
View: Employees can view merchant account settings for the business in the → → screen. Employees will need at least View access to apply for their own merchant account or delete it.
Modify: Employees can activate, deactivate, and make changes to the business's merchant account.
Manage Refund: View access is also needed for Ability to Run Own Reports and Ability to Run Others' Reports.
View: Employees can open and review the refund popup and go through most of the refund process but will not be able to complete the refund.
Modify: Employees can fully process refunds to clients.
View: Employees can view all invoices through Settings > Invoices.
Modify: Employees can collect payments on invoices, delete/void them, or send payment reminders to clients.
Employees will always be able to view customer names and their history with the business, even if View access isn't granted. Only access to sensitive information like contact information, notes, forms, and so on, can be restricted. New customers can always be added by an employee, but View access thereafter may be restricted by the employee’s access level.
View: Employees can see customers' personal information in the → screen and the full customer list in the → screen. Only the account owner can download the customer list.
Modify: Employees can update and delete customer profiles, and view the → → screen to manually merge duplicate profiles.
Customer Notes, SOAP Notes, Forms & Files:
View: Employees can add and view notes, SOAP notes, completed forms, and uploaded files; however, they cannot upload files.
Modify: Employees can edit and delete notes, SOAP notes, and forms, as well as upload, download, and delete files.
The Forms feature is enabled or disabled in the
→ → screen. Disabling Forms will not delete individual customer responses, so completed forms will still be visible in their respective customer profiles.Venue Gallery/Portfolio Management
View: Employees can view business images and portfolios in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can upload photos to the Venue Gallery, change the business logo, and create/manage Portfolios.
View: Employees can view the Website Builder and make mock edits but cannot save changes. They can also view linked social media pages in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can enable or disable the Mysite feature, edit and save the MySite website theme, and also update social media links in the Social Links screen.
Manage Widget
View: Employees can view the widget builder in the → → screen. They can make test configurations but cannot save or generate the embed code.
Modify: Employees can customize booking widgets and generate the embed code to add to their website.
Email and Text Marketing Management
View: Employees can view active and previous marketing campaigns in the → → screen. Employees can also view Daily Deals generated by the business in the → → screen. They cannot view statistics for marketing campaigns but they can for Daily Deals.
Modify: Granting Modify access will display three additional options. At least one option must be selected to save Modify access.
Modify Email and Text Marketing Plans: Employees will be able to select and modify paid marketing plans in the → → and → → screens.
Create and Modify Marketing Campaigns: Employees will be able to create and announce email marketing campaigns, text marketing campaigns, and Daily Deals. They can also edit existing drafts and view statistics for marketing campaigns and Daily Deals.
Employees Can Only Send Campaigns to Own Customers: This setting also requires Create and Modify Marketing Campaigns to be enabled. Employees will be restricted to sending marketing campaigns only to customers they have previously seen. If this setting is disabled, employees will be able to announce marketing campaigns to the business's entire customer list.
Employees with View access can download all reports in Excel or PDF format, except for the Customers List, which can only be downloaded by the account owner.
Ability to run own reports
View: Employees can view any of their own reports related to service, class, and product sales, as well as reports in the Reports > Appointments, Inventory, and Messaging/Billing sections.
Modify: N/A
Ability to run others' reports
View: Employees can view other employees’ reports related to service, class, and product sales, as well as the reports in the → → Reports > Appointments, Inventory, and Messaging/Billing sections.
Modify: Employees can change the provider credited with an appointment on the Transaction List.
Multi-Location Reports: These permissions apply only to businesses that have multiple locations. To view the Multi-Location filter in report screens, employees must be added to other locations to view that location’s reports, and they will need View access for Ability to Run Own Reports and Ability to Run Others' Reports.
View: Employees can view Sales reports for other business locations linked to their account.
Modify: N/A
Time Card Screen: Employees can always add time entries using the clock in/out function on a computer, Pay Desk, or PayPro.
View: Employees can view historical time card entries for all employees in → → screen, as well as add manual entries through the report. Previous entries cannot be edited.
Modify: Employees can edit or delete other employees’ previous time card entries.
Ability to edit own time card
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can edit or delete their own entries in the → → screen.
Gift Certificate: Gift cards created in the Gift Certificates report instead of at Checkout are not paid for by customers; they're just given to the selected recipient as store credit.
View: Employees can view all cards created by the business in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can create new cards and edit/void existing ones.
Packages: This permission controls the ability to manage individual packages sold to customers. To manage access to the base package settings, see the Settings permissions for Packages.
View: Employees can view existing and previous packages sold to customers in → → screen. They can also view usage and renewal history.
Modify: Employees can make edits to existing customer packages. This includes modifying the price, auto-renew limit and frequency, expiration date, and balance for included services and classes. They can also cancel customer packages.
Memberships: This permission controls the ability to manage individual memberships sold to customers. Access to base membership settings is managed in Settings permissions for Memberships.
View: Employees can view existing and previous memberships sold to customers in the → → screen, as well as usage and renewal history.
Modify: Employees can edit existing customer memberships, including the price, auto-renew limit and frequency, expiration date, and balance for included services, classes, and products. They can also cancel customer memberships.
Cancellations & No shows Report: Employees will also need View access for Ability to Run Own Reports and Ability to Run Others' Reports to see cancellation history.
View: Employees can view customer cancellations, no-shows, and denied or deleted appointments/classes.
Modify: N/A
Control his/her own Push Notification History: Employees will always be able to view their own push notification history.
View: N/A
Modify: Employees can delete records from their own push notification history.
Control Other People's Push Notification History
View: Employees can view other employees' push notification history.
Modify: Employees can delete records of other employees’ push notification history. View access for Manage Others’ Profile is also required to view other employees’ push notifications.
View: Employees can view pending shipments and shipping history for customer product purchases in the → → screen, but they cannot change shipping status or view breakdowns of orders.
Modify: Employees can change shipping status and add tracking information for product shipments to customers, as well as view breakdowns of orders.
Ability to Run Own Payroll: Employees will also need Modify access to run others’ payroll to mark payroll paid in the Payroll screen or delete records in the Payroll History screen.
View: Employees can view their own payroll settings and reports in the → → , Reports > Payroll, Payroll Configuration, and Payroll History.
Modify: Employees can change payroll configuration settings and modify their own hourly pay/commission structure.
Ability to Run Others' Payroll: Employees will also need Modify access for Ability to Run Own Payroll to run their own payroll to mark payroll as Paid or delete records in the Payroll History screen.
View: Employees can view other employees’ payroll settings and reports in the → → , Payroll Configuration, and Payroll History screens.
Modify: Employees can change payroll configuration settings and modify other employees’ hourly pay and commission structure.
Dashboard: Employees will need View access for Ability to Run Own Reports and Ability to Run Others' Reports to see sales information.
View: Employees can view the Dashboard and all widgets. The data displayed will depend on their access for Ability to Run Own Reports and Ability to Run Others' Reports permissions.
Modify: Employees can also add, rearrange, or remove Dashboard widgets.
Failed Payment Report:
View: Employees can view failed package or membership renewals in the → → screen.
Modify: N/A
View: Employees can view customer reviews and responses to reviews in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can post public responses to customer reviews that will also be displayed on the business's Vagaro Listing Page.
View: Employees can view all deposit reports and merchant information.
Modify: N/A
View: Employees can view all time off requests in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can approve or deny time off requests.
General Setting: Even if an employee has View or Modify permissions, only the account owner can view and modify the Billing Information and Facility Information.
View: Employees can view settings pages under the → sections, as well as → → . Employees can also view checkout settings in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can make adjustments to Business and Booking settings, as well as Themes. This will allow them to change basic information about the business, facility, and settings related to online appointment rules and notifications. They can also edit settings in the → → and the → → screens.
View: Employees will see their own profile listed in the → → screen, but they won't be able to view their Profile, Hours, and Services.
Modify: Employees can edit their own Profile, Hours, and Services, mark themselves inactive, and delete their profile from the business account. To be able to add new employees to the business account, Modify access for Manage Others’ Profile is required.
View: Employees can view all other employees' profile listings in the → screen. The Profile, Hours, and Services settings cannot be viewed.
Modify: Employees can edit other employees’ profiles, including Hours and Services. They can also add new employees, mark them as inactive, and delete them from the business account.
Access Level Management: This permission does not control what levels are assigned to employees. It is to allow employees to customize the permissions granted through each access level. Assigning access levels requires Modify access for Manage Own or Others’ Profiles.
View: Employees can view the different access levels in the → → screen. Only the account owner can view or modify Safe IP Addresses.
Modify: Employees can edit access levels, enabling or disabling permissions in each, including adjusting their access to the business at any time. They can also create new access levels or delete existing ones that are not assigned to an existing or previous employee.
Service, Resource, Class, and Add-ons Management
View: Employees can view the list of services/classes offered by the business and available resources. Employees will need View access for Manage Own and Manage Others’ Profiles to view employees' services/classes, pricing details, duration, and points given/redeem values.
Modify: Employees can add, edit, and delete services, classes, and resources for the business. They can also create service categories and bundles, as well as rearrange the order/layout of the service menu. Employees will need Modify access for Manage Own and Others’ Profiles to manage other employees' services and classes, pricing details, duration, and points given/redeem values.
View: Employees can view products sold by the business in the → → screen; see inventory stock, business costs, and sales prices; view existing orders in the → screen; and view vendors and their information in the → screen.
Modify: Employees can manage products sold by the business including adding, updating, and deleting items in the inventory. Employees can also create new purchase orders and mark existing orders as received, as well as manage the vendor list by adding, editing, and deleting them.
Vagaro Connect (Customers)
View: Employees can view the messages in Connect by Vagaro from customers.
Modify: Employees can also reply to messages in Connect by Vagaro sent by customers.
View: Employees can view the locations, groupings, and view how you've configured your Multi-Location settings
Modify: Employees can make changes to Multi-Location settings, including removing locations from a group, creating new groupings, customer sharing, and setting syncing.
View: Employees can view the settings in the → → screen, but any changes cannot be saved.
Modify: Employees can make changes to Online Shopping Cart settings, including deposit or card capture requirements, shipping methods, and store policies.
Vagaro Drive: Employees will always be able to access Connect to chat with other employees. Only access to customer chats can be restricted.
View: Employees can view the current storage plan and usage in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can enable/disable Vagaro Drive and change the storage plan. Disabling Vagaro Drive will remove all stored files in the account.
Memberships: This permission controls the ability to manage the base membership settings. Access to memberships sold to individual customers is managed in Membership permissions for Reports.
View: Employees can see and view all memberships settings in the → → screen, including pricing, auto-renew frequency, service/class/product offerings, and discount values.
Modify: Employees can add, edit, or delete all memberships offered by the business, as well as modify pricing, auto-renew frequency, service/class/product offerings, and discount values.
Packages: This permission controls the ability to manage the base package settings in the → → screen. Access to packages sold to individual customers is managed in the Package permissions for Reports.
View: Employees can see all packages and their settings, including pricing, auto-renew frequency, and service/class offerings.
Modify: Employees can add, edit, or delete packages offered by the business, as well as modify pricing, auto-renew frequency, and service/class offerings for each package.
View: Employees can view preset discounts set by the business in the → → .
Modify: Employees can add, edit, or delete preset discounts for the business.
Login from Any IP Address: Only the business account owner can add safe IP addresses in the → → screen.
View: Employees can only log into the business account at designated locations, determined by IP addresses.
Modify: Employees can log into Vagaro from anywhere in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia.
Feature Subscriptions
View: Employees can view active add-on features in the → screen.
Modify: Modify access does not provide additional permissions. The Feature Subscription screen is merely a report of active add-on features. Toggling any switches will redirect employees to the actual settings screens to enable or disable individual features. Access to each related feature is required to make changes.
QuickBooks: To view this screen, employees will need at least View access in General Settings permissions.
View: Employees can view the settings for the QuickBooks integration in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can enable, disable, or change the QuickBooks integration settings.
Xero: To view this screen, employees will need at least View access in General Settings permissions.
View: Employees can view the settings for the Xero integration in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can enable, disable, and edit Xero integration settings.
View: Employees can view the settings for the Check-in App in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can enable/disable the Check-in App feature and its settings.
View: Employees can view the activation page for the Branded App in the → screen.
Modify: Employees can order the Branded App or deactivate the feature. First-time activation will generate a request with the Vagaro Design team to create the app.
View: Employees can view the activation page for Get Featured in the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can enable or disable the Get Featured add-on.
Manage Employee Rent Collection: To view Reports screens, they will need View access for Ability to Run Own Reports and Ability to Run Others' Reports.
View: Employees can view the → → screen.
Modify: Employees can add, modify, and delete fees in → → settings for other employees, as well as process attempts to collect failed rent payments.
Developer Configuration
View: Employees can view API, webhook, and SSO configuration settings.
Modify: Employees can also modify API, webhook, and SSO configuration settings.
How do i do this as a Booth Renter?
Hi, Pearl. Only the business owner and other users who have permissions to create and change Access Levels can do this. You'll have to speak to one of these people if you'd like to change your settings as a Booth Renter.
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