The Appointment Timeline or History screens show you every detail of an appointment, including its date, duration, the service that was added to the booking, the employee who provided the service, and any updates or changes to the appointment.
Your Appointment Timeline or History looks different depending on the device you're using:
Vagaro Pro App:
Web Version:
The timeline shows the following information:
The employee who created the appointment and the date it was created.
The appointment date.
The duration of the appointment.
The name of the service or class that was added to the appointment.
The appointment notes (Comment) that the business and/or customer added.
The employee who provided the service.
If the appointment was modified and the person who edited the appointment.
The status of the appointment.
The specific changes that were made to the appointment.
Prerequisites: This feature requires a scheduled appointment on the Calendar.
To see the appointment timeline:
Go to the Calendar.
Find the appointment, then select it.
Select Edit.
Optionally, if the appointment repeats, choose to Edit only this occurrence, then select Edit Appointment(s).
Select the Timeline tab.
Under Action, select one of the links to view a copy of the message or cancellation policy:
Email: View a copy of the email notification sent to your customer.
Notification: View the push notification sent to your customer.
SMS: View the text message sent to your customer.
Cancellation Policy: Review a copy of your cancellation policy.
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