Daily Deals are a great way to advertise your business to new customers and help bring back customers who haven't come in for a while. Creating a Daily Deal is free, and Vagaro does not take any commission. Once announced and approved, the deal appears on the Vagaro Marketplace, your Vagaro Listing Page, and MySite, allowing for more visibility of your business.
Prerequisites: This feature requires your business to be listed on Vagaro.com.
Keep in mind that Vagaro reviews all Daily Deals submitted for quality assurance before they are displayed on the Vagaro marketplace, which means the Vagaro team will edit the text for clarity, grammar, and spelling when necessary. If the deal does not fit Vagaro's standards, it will be denied. Denied deals will still be displayed on your Vagaro Listing Page and Email/Text marketing campaigns. Ensure that you've read our best practices before continuing.
When you announce a Daily Deal, an Email Marketing campaign will be automatically sent to your existing customers, using the email allowance from your monthly limit. By default, this feature is enabled, but you can turn it off by toggling off the Send as Email option. It's important to note that businesses on the small Email Marketing plan won't be able to send Daily Deal emails when they reach their limit.
If you choose to send an email or text message with the Daily Deal, the message will be sent out as soon as you announce the campaign, even if you scheduled it for later.
To create a Daily Deal:
Go to
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Select Create Daily Deal.
If you have created a deal before, select Create New in the top-right corner.
Select a photo for your Daily Deal to be shown to customers:
Select Category, scroll through the different image categories, like Barber or Graduation, and pick a theme that works best for your Daily Deal.
Select Photo, then select an image for your deal.
Enter details for your Daily Deal.
Daily Deal Name: Check our Daily Deal guidelines to prevent denials.
Description. (Max 500 characters)
Your description must be at least 100 characters for approval.
Fine Print: Include any requirements or limitations this deal has. (Max 500 characters)
Set your Daily Deal Period:
Start: When you want to announce your deal.
Discount Has an Expiration Date: The date when customers can no longer use this deal. If a customer tries to book an appointment that falls after the expiration date, they can't apply the Daily Deal.
Configure the Daily Deal's settings:
You can only send a Daily Deal as a text on the web, tablet, and Pay Desk version of Vagaro.
Limit Total Number of Uses: The total amount of times this deal can be used.
Limit to One Use Per Person: Whether each customer profile can only use this deal once.
Discount will be redeemable by: Whether new and/or existing customers can use your deal in-house and online.
If you provide this deal to new customers only, no emails or notifications will be sent to your existing customers.
By default, all customers can use this deal. Customers will only be considered "existing" if they have a Customer Profile in your Customer List; otherwise, they are new customers.
Discount will be applied to: Whether this deal can be applied to all applicable items in a cart or can be used for one item.
Offered by: Limit the service provider(s) who offer this deal.
Only Display on Daily Deals Page: Whether this deal will automatically apply to applicable items when customers shop online. In order to apply this deal, the customer will need to visit your Daily Deal page.
Send as Email (on by default): Announce this deal with an email campaign.
Send as Text: Announce this deal with a text campaign. This setting requires a Text Marketing plan.
Select the Services & Classes Daily Deal type. For other Daily Deal types, see the following articles:
Create Daily Deals for Gift Cards
Create Daily Deals for Memberships & Packages
Add services or classes to your deal:
Select Service / Classes / Add-Ons.
Select the services and/or classes to be applied to this deal.
Select Confirm.
Enter your deal's discount under Discount Amount:
If you selected one service or class, enter the Price Before and the Price After the discount.
If you selected multiple services and/or classes, enter the percent discount.
Select Preview.
After reviewing your deal, scroll down the Terms & Conditions, review the Daily Deal guidelines, and acknowledge.
Select Announce.
After announcing your deal, you can share it on Facebook.
To create a Daily Deal:
Go to
→ → . -
Select Create New Deal.
Select the Services & Classes Daily Deal type. For other Daily Deal types, see the following articles:
Create Daily Deals for Gift Cards
Create Daily Deals for Memberships & Packages
Select a photo for your Daily Deal to be shown to customers:
Under Select Daily Category & Photo in the side menu, scroll through the different image categories, like Barber or Graduation, and pick a theme that works best for your Daily Deal.
Select an image.
Enter details for your Daily Deal.
Daily Deal Name: Check our Daily Deal guidelines to prevent denials.
Daily Deal Description. (Max 500 characters)
Your description must be at least 100 characters for approval.
Fine Print: Include any requirements or limitations this deal has. (Max 500 characters)
Start Date & Time: When you want to announce your deal.
Configure the Daily Deal's settings:
Daily Deal Has an Expiration Date: When customers can no longer use this deal. If a customer tries to book an appointment that is after the expiration date, they can't apply the Daily Deal.
Limit Total Number of Uses: The total amount of times this deal can be used.
Limit to One Use Per Person: Whether each customer profile can only use this deal once.
Only Display on Daily Deals Page: Whether this deal will automatically apply to applicable items when customers shop online. In order to apply this deal, the customer will need to visit your Daily Deal page.
Send as Email (on by default): Announce this deal with an email campaign.
Send as Text: Announce this deal with a text campaign. This setting requires a Text Marketing plan.
This setting requires a Text Marketing plan.
Discount will be redeemable by: Whether new and/or existing customers can use your deal in-house and online.
By default, all customers can use this deal. Customers will only be considered "existing" if they have a Customer Profile in your Customer List; otherwise, they are new customers.
Discount will be applied to: Whether this deal can be applied to all applicable items in a cart or can be used for one item.
Offered by: Limit the service provider(s) who offer this deal.
Set your discount deal:
Select Add.
Select the services and/or classes to be applied to this deal.
Select Add or Create Group.
Creating a group allows you to apply a single discount for all items within a group.
For each class, service, or grouping, enter the Discount amount or percentage. The final Price of the service or class is displayed next to the discount.
Select Next to preview your deal.
After reviewing your deal, scroll down the Terms & Conditions, review the Daily Deal guidelines, and acknowledge.
Select Announce.
After announcing your deal, you can share it on Facebook.
When announcing your Daily Deal, customers will see your deal throughout Vagaro, ensuring that new and existing customers see your business.
If you choose to Send as Text, your existing customers will receive a text with information about your Daily Deal. You can see a preview of the text below the setting. Keep in mind that your existing customers will not receive this text if you only allow the deal to be used by new customers.
Vagaro needs to allow us to create Daily Deals for NEW CLIENTS. As far as now, there isn't an option for this.
Hi, Elise. When you create a Daily Deal, there is an option for the Daily Deal to be redeemable by new customers. Near the bottom of the screen, look for Discount will be redeemable by, and ensure that only New Customers is selected:
I hope this helps!
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