Discount the first payment or payments for a number of billing cycles for Memberships or Packages. Once the discount period is over, the Membership or Package goes to the full price for the remaining payments. You can also create an Initial Discount to be part of a Daily Deal.
Go to the Checkout screen.
Select a Customer and then tap Shopping Cart.
Select Package or Membership.
Package: Select a package from the Packages section of the Service / Class / Package menu.
Membership: Enter the membership card ID and select a membership type.
The Auto Renew and Discount Initial Payments settings change based on the selected package or membership.
To customize the initial discount, Auto Renewal must be on.
Toggle Discount Initial Payments to on.
Set the Discount amount or percentage.
Select Done.
Auto Renew requires that the customer have a credit card on file. If they do not, fill in the card information on the next screen and then select Add.
Once the Package or Membership is added to your cart, you can proceed with checking out the transaction.
If your Vagaro employee account has a limit set on discounts, you can offer (either by price or percent) when you click Checkout. You will see an Approval Required dialog pop-up.
Click Next.
Select an employee with the access level to approve your discount and have them log in to approve the discount.
When they click Approve, the transaction can be completed.
For complete info on creating Daily Deals in Vagaro Pro, see Create a Daily Deal.
Tap More.
Tap Daily Deals.
Tap Create New, then Next.
Provide standard Daily Deal info:
Category, photo, Daily Deal Name, Description, Fine Print, Period, Limits, etc.
For the Daily Deal type, select Memberships & Packages, and then tap Memberships / Packages.
Select which Memberships and Packages to include in this Daily Deal, and then tap Done.
Enter a percentage for Discount Amount.
In Discounted Billing Cycles, enter a number of billing cycles to apply for this discount (Unlimited is an option).
Tap Preview.
If you have no changes to make, tap Announce to make this Daily Deal active.
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