Offer an incentive to your customers to purchase a new Membership or Package. Now you can discount the first payment or payments for a number of billing cycles. Once the discount period is over, the Membership or Package goes to the full price for the remaining payments. Set the discount amount and number of billing cycles it will apply to on the Membership Settings and Package Settings pages.
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Keep reading to learn how to create these discounts.
This article has the following sections:
Creating an Initially Discounted Package or Membership (follows)
→ → . -
Select New Membership or New Package or edit an existing membership or package.
Scroll down to the Discount Initial Payments option. Toggle it on to activate it.
Fill in the Discount and Billing Cycles fields.
When you start to enter the discount, you may choose % or $.
For example, you can set a 50% discount for the first three months by entering 50 into the Discount field, selecting %, and then entering 3 into the Billing Cycles field.
Fill in the other remaining details for your Membership or Package and select Save when finished.
→ → . -
Select New Discount or edit an existing discount.
Scroll down to Select Discount Type, select Memberships/Packages , and select Add.
Select which Memberships and Packages to include in this discount using the checkboxes and then select Add at the bottom of the window.
Fill in the Discounted Billing Cycles amount and Discount next to each item or use Mass Edit to apply the same discount to all items.
When you start to enter the discount, you may choose % or $.
Enter any other details about this discount, and then select Save when done.
→ → . -
Select New Daily Deal.
Set up your Daily Deal as described in the support article Creating a Daily Deal - Web Version. (Scroll down to Adding Memberships and Packages to a Daily Deal.)
After you add memberships and packages to the Daily Deal, you will see the options to add the initial discount with Billing Cycles and a Discount percentage (%) or dollar amount ($).
Select Next to continue setting up the Daily Deal.
Go to the Checkout screen.
Select a Customer from the drop-down list.
Select Package or Membership.
Package: Select a package from the Packages section of the Service / Class / Package menu.
Membership: Enter the membership card ID and select a membership type.
The Auto Renew and Discount Initial Payments settings change based on the selected package or membership.
To customize the initial discount, Auto Renew must be on (green).
Toggle Discount Initial Payments to on (green).
Set the Discount amount or percentage.
Enter the number of Discounted Billing Cycles to apply the discount.
Select Next.
Auto Renew requires that the customer have a credit card on file. If they do not, fill in the card information on the next screen and then select Add.
Once the Package or Membership is added to your cart, you can proceed with checking out the transaction.
If your Vagaro employee account has a limit set on discounts, you can offer (either by price or percent). When you click Checkout, you'll see an Approval Required dialog pop-up.
Click Next.
Select an employee with the access level to approve your discount and have them log in to approve the discount.
When they click Approve, the transaction can be completed.
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