Delete a Customer Profile



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    Angie Lamb

    It seems to be almost impossible to delete a client! I have merged, deleted, deleted, and merged. If I can't have more than one client with the same email address, it should be easier to delete names!!

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    Charles I

    Hi Angie. If you send us the name of the customer as well as the email address we can merge the clients for you. Just send them to

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    Cee Rich

    Hello Can you delete clients that has not booked a appointment with in a year

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    Cee Rich

    It’s very hard to delete clients by name when you have many but if they have not returned in a year I wish they can automatically be deleted

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    Vagaro Support

    Cee: There's no way to automatically delete customers, but the Customer report will let you do what you need: find customers who haven't booked within selected dates and delete them.

    1. Go to Reports > Customers
    2. Open Advanced Filters
    3. Select a date range under Last Visit
      You can set up other search criteria, or just go by date
    4. Run the report
    5. It's easier to view by selecting Grid View
    6. Check the boxes by customers you want to delete or use Select All at the top of the report
    7. Click Delete

    There is an Undo Delete option in case you want to restore deleted customers. You use it by date deleted.


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    JD Cherry

    This article's pictures say you cannot undo a customer delete but then there is also a note that you can restore the customer. Which is it? 

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    Jamie B

    Hi JD,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. You can restore deleted customers. I just let my team know and the screen should be updated soon.



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    JD Cherry

    Hi Jamie, I do not think you can individually restore individual customers. You can only bulk restore all customers through a specific date, which defeats the purpose. 

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    Jamie B

    Hi JD,

    Yes, you are correct. Currently, you cannot restore individual customers, only in bulk. I will make this more clear when I update this article. 

    In the meantime, here is a feature request that you can vote for. We appreciate the feedback.




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