If your customer hasn't connected their account with Vagaro Pay Later (VPL) yet, you can invite them to sign up before they come in for their appointment. Then, when they arrive, you can check them out with VPL on the Checkout screen.
VPL can be used to pay for the things you sell, except for recurring memberships and packages.
If your customers have any questions about Vagaro Pay Later and how to sign up, please direct them to call our dedicated Vagaro Pay Later support number at (866) 332-1131.
Prerequisites: Sign up for Vagaro Pay Later.
Before checking out your customers, make sure that they have signed up and connected their bank account to VPL. You can send them an invitation to sign up on the Checkout screen or in their customer profile.
To invite a customer to VPL on the Checkout screen:
Go to Checkout, then select a customer.
Select the Invite chip next to V pay later. Invite will not display if the customer has already signed up for VPL.
Ask the customer scan the QR code or enter their phone number and email address, then select Send to Customer.
To invite a customer to VPL from their profile:
Go to Customers.
Select the customer.
Under Vagaro Pay Later, select Send Invite.
Ask the customer scan the QR code or enter their phone number and email address, then select Send to Customer.
To check out a customer using VPL:
Go to Checkout or check out an appointment from the Calendar.
Ensure you have a customer selected and that their shopping cart is ready for checkout.
Enter the VPL payment amount, then select Checkout. The amount entered can be a portion of the total Amount Due.
Ask the customer scan the QR code or enter their phone number and email address, then select Send to Customer.
The system will wait five minutes for the customer to complete the transaction on their device. Select Resend Vagaro Pay Later Checkout to Customer to send a new link to the customer. If your customer changes their mind, you can select Cancel Vagaro Pay Later Checkout, then select Cancel Checkout.
The payment can be paid entirely with VPL or split between VPL, cash, gift card, credit card, or check. If the initial VPL transaction exceeds the Maximum Limit, a pop-up window will prompt you to Split with Credit Card or Use a Different Payment Method.
Split the Vagaro Pay Later payment:
Select Split with Credit Card, then process their card payment.
Select Use Different Payment to split with payment methods other than credit card.
Once the full Amount Due has been paid, select Checkout.
From this point on, the customer will continue the checkout process from their device.
To process a Vagaro Pay Later transaction that was split with a credit card:
Open the Checkout link sent to your device.
Add a tip, then select Next.
Select Continue on the split payment screen.
Select Charge Card.
Sign for the transaction, then select Next.
Select a bank account (if more than one is listed), review payments, then select Checkout.
Review and accept the EFT Notice.
To process a Vagaro Pay Later transaction that wasn't split with credit card:
Customers are not guaranteed acceptance for VPL transactions. VPL accepts or denies individual transactions on a case-by-case basis and approval to enroll in VPL does not guarantee approval when checking out. If a payment fails, the customer can pay for the entire transaction with a credit card or another payment method:
Select Charge Card to pay for the entire transaction with a credit card.
Select Cancel Entire Transaction to pay for the transaction using other payment methods.
While failures can be frustrating for both the business owner and the customer, there are some steps you can take to prevent failed payments.
Communicate with your customers about VPL. Mention that there is no guarantee for approval.
Charge a customer before performing a service for large VPL transactions. A VPL denial after a pricey service can be a difficult scenario to deal with.
Avoid multiple transactions with VPL for the same customer in a short period, including deposits.
Set the deposit amount to 100% of the service price when paying with VPL. When customers are approved for VPL for an deposit, the payment may fail when the remaining balance of the service is paid for. By setting the deposit for the full amount of the service, you ensure that the VPL payment is successfully processed and the service is fully paid for, which will avoid confusion or complications if the payment is denied for the balance due.
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